Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I've decided that this week's entries will have titles of 80's hits/albums that reflect my day. Unfortunately I have missed yesterday. So this will be in place of Monday.

I was having a discussion the other day with "laukong" dearest about how people here in Nigeria seem to use big words in everyday life. Example: "genesis" in place of background; "harmonise" = synergise; you get my drift. It gives me great pride to say that I have just sent an e-mail to someone using one of these "big" words. Another point for me for assimilating into the community. The word in question is "retrospective". You shall be paid your new salary in the November payroll in retrospective. Wow! viz-a-viz (another "big" word!)... this blog entry is written in retrospective of yesterday's. Hah! I'm so on a roll here!

Sesame Street was brought to you by the word "retrospective". I rest my case.

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