Wednesday, October 18, 2006


No, no need for spell check. You read correctly. Saw this on Sky News, and it triggered a theory that I have had for a long, long time now. So here's an opportunity to go into the inner workings of my (sometimes) weird, almost psychotic, mind:

Aliens are actually us. Yes, us. As in us humans. Supposed alien encounters are actually humans visiting us from a very distant future. Much like the theory in the Sky News article, humans will evolve (in many, many years to come of course) into physical beings that are so different to our current form. If we can agree that we will evolve into this (below right pic), I can offer some explanations as to why we will evolve into such beings:

  1. Big head - you can thank technology for this. Technology requires us to use our heads and brains more than any other part of our body that we have literally become "big-headed".
  2. Skinny body - yes, gone are the days where you ask an unsuspecting member of the male species, "Does my butt look big in this?" Partly due to reason for "big head" our bodies do not require much food as physical activities (or movement for that matter) will be to a bare minimum. Food would have been a great scarcity which we would have overcome (mad cow diseases & bird flu were just brief introductions).
  3. Big eyes - due to global warming (should have voted for/listened to Al Gore) and other climatical inconsistencies, Earth has gone back to the dark ages - any chaos theorists out there? So our eyes have grown bigger in order to absorp what little light is left to see. An inconvinient truth indeed.
  4. Barely there nosetrils - for the same reson as "Big eyes", our noses have evolved because of the lower oxygen content in the atmosphere. So you might want to hug a tree literally the next time you see one.

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