Saturday, October 14, 2006

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

Friday at last! I thought you'd never come! I had a business lunch today by means of invitation from my Legal portfolio. I've never been surrounded by so many lawyers in my life. Unfortunately it was too short. Just when food was served, I had to run off and catch the bus back to the office. So ended up having my lunch packed. Never a dull moment here in Nigeria, like I always tell you.

I managed to get myself nominated to the workshop mentioned previously. The circumstances behind why I was not nominated in the first place is still a mystery. Though I'm not one to start conspiracy theories, I'm inclined to think there's something completely whack about this.

Otherwise, work today was rather pleasantly uneventful which is always a good start to wind down for the weekend.

Weekend starts, as always, with my weekly dose of Kept followed by Survivor South Africa and Africa. Slavco got sent home today. So 2 "divas" are out for 2 weeks in a row. I honestly thought that Jon might get the boot this week. I was not that impressed with his "hosting" abilities, if you can call it that. I was shocked that Gary Rhodes is capable of being such a "meanie". It looked like Hell's Kitchen.

Anyway, I'm tired now. And uninspired. It's been a hard week. Tomorrow will be a brand new spanking day, I hope.

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