Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Buffalo Stance

Daisypath Ticker

For lunch the cook served me rice and some beef stew. For once the beef was as per the standard texture that I've been used to before coming to Nigeria. The last time she served beef, my jaw ached for days. She may as well have served the beef with the cow's teeth, so I can use them once all my teeth have fallen off as a result. I've got a feeling that people just don't eat cow or cattle meat here. They probably eat buffalo.

Speaking of buffalo (ox to connect to where I'm gettng at), I just saw in someone's blog a really cute cartoon that has the following quote: "I am not stubborn. I am merely correct". That is just so true. If only you can convince the whole world that. It's like I have this saying when the whole world seems to piss me off, "Aku saja yang pandai di dunia ani" (I am the only smart person in this world).

Anyway, I digress.

"That's the girls on the block with their nasty curls,
Wearing padded bras,
Sucking beer through straws,
Dropping down the draws,
Where did you
get yours?"

~ Buffalo Stance

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