Monday, December 10, 2007

Bend & Tada!

pregnancy week by week

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bend & Bump! I've decided to catch on my instincts and bought myself a test kit yesterday. Not surprisingly I tested positive. Another bun in the oven, that is.

No comments. Can't say it wasn't planned. That's all.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bend & Snap!

Right. I've had one of those "snap" moments today. Don't ask me how I know, but I reckon I'm...... this space.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Plan B: Research - Literature

I went to the Doulos ship on Sunday with my first-born and my sister. It took us 2 hours of waiting before we got onboard. It was hot and stuffy and crowded at the book shop area. So we literally judged the books by their covers and just grabbed anything that took our fancy.

It was all worth it though, as I can now claim that I have performed by first task of putting my ideas into action - buying self-help books. No. It's not one of those chicken shit for the soul crap or any Dr. Phil's solution to world hunger.

Let's just call it part of my research phase.

Now I have some reading to do....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

*Blah* Plan B: The Realisation

I've been having such a lousy week. I've been dragging myself out of bed on a daily basis. Work has become so boring and uninspiring. I thought the weekend would never come.

It's about time I put some serious thought (and planning) into my ideas. No point in conjuring up ideas and concepts if they're all just going to stay in my head. to the drawing board.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Scrapper

I am on my way to being a semi-professional scrapbooker *says she* - courtesy of Laukong.

Laukong bought *sponsored* me the Sizzix Bigkick Started Kit today (though it did took some effort in convincing him how much I needed it and the future savings I could make in the long-term). To top it all off, he bought me a work desk and a couple of shelves specifically for my scrapbooking.

My so-called scrapbooking corner is still work in progress. Will post pix as soon as it is ready for all to see!

I am a truly happy bunny today.

Watch this space...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Ikhlas Daripada,
Puteribelibelah & The Boys

C'est Moi, Therefore I Am

The hypocrite that I am, I have to swallow my own words.


Here goes - I bought 2 pairs of shoes from C'est Moi.

And no, I still do not - I repeat, DO NOT - condone fake stuff but I had to buy the 2 pairs of shoes.

And no, they weren't the fake Chanel ones or whatever it is that they sell. It is the C'est Moi branded shoes itself.

I shall offer no more explanation why I made those purchases - 'nuff said.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Not Me

I went to this new-ish shop at the Q-Lap Mall the other day - C'est Moi. I almost walked out with a few pairs of shoes. However, the idea of them selling fake designer handbags puts me off BIG time.

Boo to you! C'est Moi. Soooo NOT me!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Am Leaving on a Jet Plane to Work

So much for excitement and kangen-kangen segala. Got a lukewarm reception from Laukong. I didn't get to the airport on time. Turns out that his flight arrived early and managed to get out - with bags and all - at 9:30 a.m. when it was supposed to land at 9:40 a.m. So this lady of leisure had actually planned on going to the airport at 10 a.m. so confident was she that bloody RBA would never fail to arrive oh-so-fashionably late.


Maybe it's not too late to go to work. What a waste of precious leave day. Nuff said.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tawakal Kerana Kangen

Have I told you that I am addicted to Tawakal? It's been my one addiction for the past 2 months. Admittedly the addiction does help avoid my staying at the office. However, the series has been getting rather annoying lately. It's not an unusual scene to see me screaming my head off to the tv in the hope that it makes some difference to lives of the characters (Kenapa si kamu percaya kata-kata perempuan kebret itu, Do!!!!!!!! Memang kamu cowok yang ingak punya harga diri!!!!!!! Blah...blah...blah...).

I had a long chat with a colleague whom I have not seen in a looooong time last Friday. Our discussion led to the topic of Indonesia. Turns out that we had similar future "plans" (plan being the operative word here people) about Indonesia - well Bali to be precise. *SIGH* A girl can dream...

S'mua kata rindu mu semakin membuat ku tak berdaya...
Menahan rasa ingin jumpa...
Percaya lah pada ku aku pun rindu kamu...
Ku akan pulang...
Melepas smua kerinduan yang terpendam.

Guess who's a happy bunny?????? And why?????? Laukong will be back tomorrow!!

...counting minutes now peeps!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

NYC delivery - here!!!

OMG!!! My bag is sooooo fucking here!!! I was expecting it to come next week. But nevermind, it's here!!! It's here!!! Will take photos and upload soon at the "other" blog. Watch this space.

Monday, September 17, 2007

30 seconds to comply

I am absolutely loving 30 Seconds to Mars' "A Beautiful Lie". Must-listen album of the year. 'Nuff said...

...sorry Linkin' Park. I'm such an infidel.

p/s Dear Jared, I so heart you as a rock star. It suits you more than your so-called life as an actor. Hugs xoxo

Sunday, September 16, 2007

NYC delivery - coming soon!!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Just when I thought I felt handbag withdrawal around the corner - Balenciaga NY e-mailed me today!!! It's coming!! It's coming!! I can't wait!!

Want to know what it is? Watch this space....

It's a long, long way to Tipperary

Ok, here's the synch, people. I've been giving this a lot of thought - for the last 3 years or so. I haven't thought about this for a while but now it's all coming back.

I am so in the wrong career. Seriously. Trouble is, how do I take the plunge? I've been buying stuff and surfing for inspiration. I think I know what I want and where I'm heading. However, I'm not sure how or if I have the guts to do. Eeek!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Back in the game

Good God. I can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged. I don't seem to have the time to do any updates. Not that there's much to update except work, work, work.

How sad my life has become. Just came back from a 2-day business trip to Miri. How exciting...*SIGH*

I came back to some goodies I had ordered for the boys and myself. No handbags for me this time. But nevertheless something I have been looking forward to. I must say it did take a while to arrive.

Anyway, working on a public holiday today means that I get to take tomorrow off in lieu, which means I have a 3-day weekend! Hurrah! Hurrah!

I think it's time I revive my scrapping-booking.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Done with 24 and 2

I've finally finished watching 24 Season 6. It took me a while to finish the season. Time has really been such a luxury. Anyhow, it wasn't as good as the previous seasons, I thought.

I also managed to watch The Bourne Ultimatum on Saturday night. It was ok I supposed. It was my sister's birthday as well. So treated the whole family to dinner before that. Got my sister a Prada bag.

Went for a bit of window shopping yesterday but couldn't find anything - or rather anything that fits - to buy. Such is life. These idiot boutiques don't seem to sell anything more than size 2s. I mean who the hell buys (and fits) these clothes? Bloody hell. No wonder the same clothes have been on the racks for months on end. Ijeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back in 24

Finally bought the complete Season 6 of 24. So I won't be posting for a while....*sigh*...Jack Bauer....
....amongst other things...Jason Bourne can wait.

Friday, August 10, 2007

In the Midnight Out...

....she cried...WORK, WORK, WORK...

..nuff said.

...actually just woke up from the dead. Always my body's way of saying have a break. On the bright side, it also means that I get to lose weight! Hah!

Plus, long weekend is here!!

P/S Since I have longed owed you an update of my shopping spree (a rather manic one in hindsight), I have decided I shall dedicate a separate blog for it. A spin-off off this one really. Aptly named (even if I say so myself) puteribelibelah: The Inciminating Evidence. So that this one will just be for my random ramblings and any other thoughts that goes through the inner workings of my (sometimes - says she) psychotic mind, one-liner or otherwise. Basically my "smack my bitch up" moments - if you please.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Theme of the Week: One Liners

Looks like my next few entries will be one-liners. I have started work which has left me absolutely NO time to write my blog entries.

Yes...yes, I still owe you evidence of my loot. That is in the pipeline - whenever I can find the time, that is.

Off to bed now...or maybe not. I also owe Harry Potter a date.

Monday, July 23, 2007

One-liner rant

On Pedder in Singapore is soooo OVERRATED!! - nuff said.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Out of Brunei: Lion City

Looks like you may have to wait a bit longer for my NYC loot update. I'm off to Singapore tomorrow for a week with the kids. Yipppeee!!! I'm so excited. I haven't been there since Dubai, and that's like 3 years ago. But I can't be too excited as NY has done some major damage to wallet already.

Unless Chanel has my wishlist bag readily available!! So that's a different story (holding my breath).

Catch up with you soon.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Out of Africa: Home Sweet Home

Yiippppeee!!! I am home, sweet, finally home. I arrived on Thursday after spending a night in Dubai. I managed to squeeze in a visit to my old office and meet with former colleagues. It was kinda nice to be back in a way, although I have not really missed Dubai much.

Most of my time since my homecoming has been spent with the kids. My, how they have grown!! I have missed them so much. I don't know how I managed to survive without them for 3 months.

I have yet to find the time to upload pictures of my NY loot. So the suspense shall remain! I have also came home to some goodies I have previously ordered online waiting for me. So pictures for those will follow soon too.

In the meantime please allow me to indulge in spending some quality time with the kids.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Out of Africa: New York! New York!

I am SOOOOOO loving New York!! I *heart* NY.

Who says dreams don't come true????? I've got a few that came true - ticks off my wishlist!! Which items did you say? Well, you will have to wait until I get home and upload the photos of my NY loot!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Out of Africa: Port Harcourt - Lagos - Dubai - NY - D.C.

Haven't posted for quite a while now. I've been busy tying up loose ends in Nigeria. I keep telling Laukong that I can't seem to get out of the country soon enough. The past 2 weeks have been a lot of close calls. We managed to fly out of Port Harcourt a few days before the airline industry went on strike. We flew out of Lagos a day before the union threatened to go on strike - but we had to make a pitstop in one of the Northerm State, Kano to refuel. No fuel available in Lagos apparently.

But at least we managed to get a few things sorted out before we left Nigeria which is a big achievement by Nigerian proportions - got my airfreight packed, moved our personal effects to Lagos and found our new apartment (well, Laukong's now).

Then, farewell Nigeria. It was good while it lasted....

....right enough of the grieving. However, boy am I now out of Africa...I am in D.C. as in Washington D.C.!!!! After an 8-hour flight from Lagos to Dubai; 14-hour flight (it felt like FOREVER - I thought I'd left my butt in Lagos) to New York plus 7 hours transit; we FINALLY arrived in D.C. after an hour's flight last night. I have never travelled for over 24-hours round the clock in my life - I doubt I will be in a hurry to do any repeat performances.

Today we shamelessly did the touristy stuff - Laukong absolutely looking the part with his SLR camera hanging round his neck (could have sworn I told him to leave the bulky camera). We went on a tour of the World Bank, courtesy of Laukong's aunt who works there (I'm so sending my CV already). Absolutely loving my pictured day pass - talk about a personalised piece of souvenir.

Then the White House which is only a few blocks away. Because we only went out around 2pm (plus spent about 30mins trying to figure how to buy 2 Metro tickets simultaneously from the ticket machine - the darn thing doesn't change of more than 5 bucks and we didn't have small change) that was the end of our tour for the day. But tomorrow we're booked for a proper tour in one of them tour buses.

In true Bruneian-style, we ended the day shopping at Costco (for those familiar with UK, this is like Makro is to the UK). Of course, all sakai-ness broke loose and we ended up spending a fortune buying things that we all of a sudden realise we need (iTV - so you can beam your iPod video onto your TV; pack of 15 solar-powered garden lamp; scrapbooking paper - 360pcs for 15 bucks!!; Samsonite luggage - for more shopping; plus plenty more I don't even remember top of my head). Suffice to say we all lived up to the Bruneian berangkutness-syndrome.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Call me by my number

Don't asked me why or how - but last night somehow DH and I had a conversation that led to a very fond memory I had of Chesney Hawkes.

Well, not really Chesney Hawkes as such but rather his one hit wonder "The One and Only". The song truly brought me back in time to a holiday I had with my parents and my second sister (who was my only sister at that time) in *get this* the Isle of Wight. The reason why the song had any connection to this holiday was the fact that I was fighting with my sister *fondly named as Anus* over her cassette single of the song. I remember I wanted to listen to it with my rather *ahem* cool yellow Sony Sports Walkman.

Anyway memory aside, DH and I ended up having a jolly good time, singing along to dear Chesney (bless his mole) on the iPod.

~ Call me. Call me by my name or, call me by my number ~

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Domestic Goddess has returned

Highlights of the day:

1) Our nanny made me my first Nigerian costume. I am well chuffed as it fits me perfectly! I can't believe she made it all in one day. She only measured me yesterday afternoon.

2) Domestic goddess me has returned. Made some oats and raisins cookies today. Chocolat Royal, here I come.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Nothing to write home about

Work sucks. Period.

More reason why you should always be your own boss. More reason why I wish I was home.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Excuse me while I choke *cough*

Got a phone call from the hotel reception 20 mins ago warning me that they will be fumigating the hotel. Bloody hell! They weren't joking.

I am practically choking to death in my room now and coughing my lungs out. I'm starting to have some pains in my chest as well.

If this doesn't kill the insects, then I don't know what will.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

(This is) The Story of a Girl

Pardon me, I need to save myself

As you can probably guess from the previous few entries that depression has reared its ugly head. Yes, you've sussed me. I cannot express enough how horrible things are at the moment. I have never ever felt so helpless in my life. Normally, I'm the resourceful type. When things don't seem to be going as planned, I always, always, always find a way or someone to help with the issues.

I hate the way things are at the moment. NOTHING seems to be moving. I am home sick. I hate my boss. I hate my job. I hate everyone and everything around me. I hate being here. I can no longer think of positive things. I'm having a REALLY hard time trying to find anything nice about this God-forsaken country. I just wish I could get out of here soon, before my dislike of this place turns to hatred. I want to leave while I still have happy memories of living here.

I've never felt so low in my life! The last time I was this rock-bottom was.......NEVER!! I don't remember things ever going this bad in either my career nor personal life.

Don't say I don't try though. Heck, you can't fault me for lack of trying in the efforts department. However, no one seems to be getting back to me with any sort of decision. I'm just so pissed that people left, right and fuckng centre are avoiding me. It seems everyone's response is on a tape-loop. Same all, same all elusive response that doesn't tell you anything.


Picture credit: "Pardon me, I need to save myself" by sam brown, explodingdog

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dream a Little Dream of Me (Les Yeux Ouverts)

Right. Now that we've all established that I am at the crossroad of my career (TRUST me when I tell you this), I figured it's about time I write down my masterplan. No point in pondering about my ideas in my messed-up (verging on psychotic) mind.

So what grand plans have I got up my sleeves, I hear you asked?

Well, for one thing, I'm not going to with you the detailed plan for sure. Hah! You wish! Wouldn't want you lot to steal my ideas, and the next thing I know you'lll be running my dream plans before I can even say, "I sooooo can't believe you just did thaaaa'!!!!" *in my best Vicky Pollard accent.*

So what I'll do is just outline what I've got in mind in case I forget, but more importantly in case you steal my ideas, you little shit stirrers (as Marjorie Dawes would call you).

1) Enroll in appropriate course. Probably a basic one for starters for I really don't know shit about this stuff I'm about to embark upon.

2) Save up enough dosh. "Have I got enough shit?"

3) Do feasibility study. "Do people actually want this shit?"

4) Find sources. "Do people actually do/sell/have this shit?"

5) Quit current wanky job. *DUH!* "I hate this shit." If I'm too fed-up, this could very well go up to no.1 of this list.

6) Make sure current boss gets cast in the next production of "SHITTY-SHITTY, Bang-Bang" 'cause the man's got shit and hell yeah, he's so full of it. *Ok, so maybe I'm getting just a little bit overboard here. But a girl can dream. I do hate the fucking wanker!*

This is it for brainstorming for now. I can;t think of anything else. But this thread is certainly an open-ended one. To be continued....

As you can see from the title (indulge me a little here), although both languages have different meanings but indeed they are equally appropriate to the current story of my life.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I Ain't Moving

No transport means no shopping. Yes, am definitely feeling short-changed here. So slept through the WHOLE of Saturday. I can only imagine I will do the same for Sunday (as it is now almost 3 in the morning).

So no superficial entries until I'm more mobile. Life sucks. It sucks the life out of you. I wish I was elsewhere. I wish I could just get the next flight out of this joint.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


No! Not the 80's movie. Though Andrew McCarthy was such a doll!

But I have this sudden urge to buy a mannequin. Yeah, like as in the store front mannequins. Don't ask me why. All this stress must be taking its toll on my brain cells!

Soundtrack of the day: Can I Play With Madness - Iron Maiden

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Les Miserables: The Revenge

Who says misery loves company? Since when did misery happen en masse? I, for one, certainly need the company.

Fags are the next best thing to grabbing a piece of noose at the moment. That's all there is to say.

What I bought today: Accessories

A few accessories this time. Again a dateless (and probably meaningless) purchase that does nothing to cure the feeling of misery.

What I bought today: Clothes by Tiffany Ambers

I will not bother stating when I bought these, because my memory has failed me. Suffice to say I bought these (on different days) some time this month in a mock attempt to numb my depression.

All the items are by a local Nigerian designer, Tiffany Amber.

I tell you, euphoria certainly doesn't last.

What I bought today: 300 Comic in Hard Cover

Not today (as you see I'm having backlogs of shopping here), but yesterday.

I actually saw this last week but was comtemplating since it was the only copy. Then my sister *screams* that she wants it. Good thing about Nigeria is that no one really cares about these things. So when I went to the shop yesterday, lo and behold the one sole copy was still there.

So here it is Spartans, the 300 comic book (if you can call it that) in all its technicolour glory:

What I bought today: Chloe Bay Tote in Blanc

...well not really, but rather what I bought 2 weeks ago. Because I have been a rather depressed, miserable and sodding old cow lately, I have decided to lighten up my blog entries from here onwards. Plus, it just occured to me that my blog hasn't really lived up to its name.

My blog's moto from now on will be (or along the lines of), "I AM SUPERFICIAL".

So....what did I buy, I hear you say? Well here's the incriminating evidence - a Quilted Chloe Bay Tote in Blanc.

Here's to superficiality. *cheers* *chink*

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Les Miserables

Almost a month of no blogging. Truth to be told I have not been feeling inspired to write.

For one thing I am now back in Nigeria avec Laukong mais sans les enfant. So life sucks! Les Miserables just about sums it up.

Now lets' see how fast you can say, "Guess, we're no longer in Kansas, Toto!"

Monday, March 19, 2007


I have just purchased 5 Moschino items online. Do you remember those Moschino bags, in its hey-day during the early 90's, with the individual gold lettering? (must say no one had trouble spelling M.O.S.C.H.I.N.O. after that) Well, I bought 3 bags and 2 accessories from that line *see net-a-porter, my credit card does match with the billing address I sent you. For I am THE bonifide owner of said credit card. Your loss, I guess, for I could have upped your March sales by thousands of GBP*

Anyway, before you scream "IDIOT!!" - I happen to love that line from Moschino! They don't make those bags anymore. I guess they're not friends with Redwall anymore (?). I have been searching high-and-low for them and have had no success. The current bags that they do are just too whimsical for me (hey, I can DO whimsical but just not in that dose).

Now let's see how fast you can say "UPS!!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I got a Brazilian

Hahaha! Not of the southern region! But at least I got your attention.

I finally took the plunge and bought the Luella Gisele bag. I wasn't sure initially of its authenticity because I thought the price was suspiciously low. I recall in Dubai it retailed at just under DH3000. But after I did some research yesterday, at both eBay and with the help of a couple of PF'ers, I was convinced I was onto the real deal.

So I went. I inspected. And I paid. Finally, a Luella Gisele! I'm so darned pleased with myself, especially as I got a bargain.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

300 & a couple of Scrappers

2 Things:
1) Yesterday we dined in hell.
2) Today we scrapped our way through the day.

1) No, not really. We watched the long awaited 300 movie. Contrary to 'popular' review, I thoroughly enjoyed. It lived up to its trailer, and then some! It's one of the best movies I have seen in a long time - except for Music and Lyrics. But then again that's in a different genre - like, totally.

2) I've finally taken the plunge enrolling in the scrapbooking class at Shabby Chic, The Mall. The class was supposed to be between 2-5pm. But we only finished around 7:30!! It was really hard work. But Irene (our dear teacher) was such an angel, ever so patient with us scrapbooking dummies. My theme? My Babies - of course! No, not the handbags. After class ended, I spent another hour with Irene picking and selecting for my 'starter' kit with a few month's supply of papers to stock up for my trip back to Nigeria.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mad Max Shake(s) the Disease

My apologies for the rather incoherent previous 2 posts. But here's more for your time and patience.

You see, I have been "dead" for the past 3 days and have only just gotten up today. I had written them while I was in and out of consciousness (would have loved to say in a higher state of conciousness from all the piriton). Yes, I have caught the flu - BIG time!

And yes, I did get my dose of The Dome's chicken and mushroom pie today thankyouverymuchforasking. Plus, pumpkin soup (Laukong said it would be good for my sinus)...and calamari and chips (it was supposed to be a "sharing-and-caring" thing, but I think I was in a "clean-plate club" mode tonight)...and a Crunchie chocolate thingy latte drink...and a can of coke (not the diet kind, thankyouverymuch)...and a glass of freebie water (oooh, healthy choice mate!)...and a pot of Earl Grey Tea (for the sinus again).

I was about to mention that the one good thing about being this ill, is that it's God's way of helping me lose a kilo or two. After The [Thunder]Dome (am feeling rather 80's tonight), NAH! Oh, perish the thought!

Those silly people are still bothering me again with so-called "anxious" e-mail telling me I should rectify my credit card billing address. What are these people? If I had a penis, I would call them bloody cock-teasers. Except I don't have one - last time I checked anyway...unless you read my last post - but that's another story. While we're on this topic, apparently Laukong read it (I can assure you that he only ever reads my blog when I tell him to at point blank, but of course, dahlink - he knows where the couch is) - he must have this built-in sixth sense (like his nipple itches or something) to tell him that he has been bitched about in his wife's blog. Anyway, I digrest. Back to the story>

Well, what can I say? I have done all I could possibly have done. I went to the bank last Monday to correct my mailing address, and apparently THAT's still NOT the correct address according to this website's credit card company-thingy-wachamcallit. I've even given them my old billing address, just in case. What's a girl to do, meh? I cannot prove any more that I am the bonafide (wow big word! brains must be producing new brain cells today) owner of the bloody-bunking-effing credit card.

Simple solution is to book first flight to Singapore tomorrow and just get the bloody (yes, the 'B' in B Bag now stands for bloody) bag over and done with! Simple! Why complicate life begging other people (and a frigging virtual customercare service centre at that! Aptly named, I'm sure) and justifying my ownership of the effing credit card! Go Singapore, got Fendi KANTONG some more!

Anyway, rantings aside (I'm soooo over this B Bag thing)....I must say I have been blessed by all things 80's tonight. Evidence? Tribute to Depeche Mode (or something of that nature) was on Channel [V] whilst we were at The [Thunder}Dome-we-don't-need-another-hero.

I *heart* Dave Gahan. I was so Mrs Gahan in the 80's and I still am sooo. Actually, that's not true. I'm lying through my sinus. I was so Mrs Alan Wilder (those who don't know, go Wiki him) in the 80's. Dave was his stand-in. Then Nik Kershaw. Then Tom Bailey. Sometimes not necessarily in that order. Then I went to the Dark-side when Bros came along. But we shall not dwell into that today.

Tonight, I shall share with you my 80's inspired *ahem* inspiration. Indulge me, ladies & gents.

CUE: Record screeching sound.

Actually scrap that. I'll do that another day. More excuse to have an 80's entry.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Puteribelibelah could be a she-male?!

I just have to write/type/whatever this post as I think. Will write a proper post/entry/whatever later/after this jump (did I say this in the right context - anyway I digrest).

I was being my usual kay-poh-ness (yes, I have been known to be kay-poh) by reading other people's blogs. Anyway, I came across a picture of Linda of AF2 or was it 3 or whatever fame. The picture reaffirms my thoughts of her looking ratherly *ahem" for want of a better word manly. I recall Laukong commented that he's rather a big fan of hers *READ: fancies her rather and I retorted she looks like a pondan.

Then a thought just occured to me that maybe Laukong is into she-males Then another thought occurs - if Laukong is into she-males, does this mean that I look like one too?


I am hungry. Am thinking chicken and mushroom pie at The Dome. Of course it's 5:10 in the morning Brunei Time - doh!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dome Head

We had a late lunch at The Dome today after picking up first-born from school. Is it just me or is that restaurant hot? And I don't mean the outdoor downstairs area. Unless I have really thick skin, The Dome has some serious a.c. defiency problem. Can someone please sponsor them some high horse-powered a.c.? I would but I have other priorities, like, er, handbags.

Speaking of handbags, my B Bag made it's maiden debut yesterday. Yes, I am coming to terms with the colour. Oh did I tell you that my online purchase is still being rejected after correcting my billing address yesterday. Bye-bye my other B Bag. Guess it really wasn't meant to be. *Sob*

I bought a pair of black flip-flops today at Bata. Then I realised it was Havaianas. Cool! What a bargain! Although Laukong will tell you "au contraire" at B$29.99 a pop. Now I have footwear to match my new Sab55 black dress. Question is, where to shall I wear the outfit?

I was feeling rather generous today - payday might have something to do with it - so I bought my 2 sisters an iPod Nano each just because.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

B Bag - so NOT maroon!!

Laukong arrived last night and brimming with excitement unpacked my B Bag first thing. Oh the pain! The agony! The bag is soooo NOT maroon. It is brown!!! Those people in Fendi must be colour blind! Snap, crackle and pop goes my effing heart!! Not a hint of red in sight. (Hey, that ryhmes!). At first I thought it must be the lighting in our bedroom.

Well, now that it is daylight - it's even browner than last night. Oh the pain! The agony! This must be the most expensive mistake of my life. Well. Actually my car is the most expensive mistake of my life. But that's another story. It has since found a new home with my mum.

Pffffffft!!!! Well, what can I say? Anyone wishing to buy a brown Fendi B Bag, please leave a message on the comment section. Grrrr!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

B Bag - so YES!!

Laukong called from Fendi to tell me that he has the Spy Bag right in front of him. They only have the dark brown one and a lighter brown one. Hmmm.....decisions, decisions, decisions. How desperate am I for the Spy bag? Do I really want another brown bag? The shade of brown is the same as my Dior Gaucho and Chloe Paddington. ANSWER: Not really. No, I don't need another brown bag. No, my first choice is still the off-white Spy Bag.

So, do they have the B Bag instead. ANSWER: Yes! Loads! Which colour?

Me: Do they have patent yellow?
Laukong: Yes.
Me: How about pink?
Laukong: It's too 80's. It makes me want to sing "Pop Goes My Heart".
(Sales Girl in the back ground: How about navy blue?)
Me: Yuck! No. And no canvas. It gets dirty easily. Tell you what, let me call (GF) and I'll call you back.

A frantic S.O.S. call to a dear friend followed. At times like these, I was not in the right state of mind to be the sole decision-maker. Indeed, life is full of tough choices. VERDICT: Red. Yes, it will go nicely with the black and white dress that I bought yesterday.

They don't have it in red but they do have maroon. So what does Laukong think? VERDICT: He likes! Apparently it matches the gold hardware and doesn't quite make his heart go "pop".


p/s Cannot wait to hold my new possession in my arms. Laukong will be back tomorrow. Will post pictures soon. "Pop! Goes my heart!!!"

B Bag - so NOT! + My Road to Redemption

I got an e-mail notification *ahem* notifying me that my online purchase cannot proceed because my billing address does not match. Grrrr!!!! Today conveniently is a public holiday (thanks to National Day. Happy Indepence Day Brunei, by the way). So this means I am completely helpless in trying to rectify my God damn billing address with the bank. ARGHHHH!!!

Good-bye, B Bag. The thought of holding you in my arms was good while it lasted.

While I was in my mourning period, the mother-in-law invited me for dinner at the Airport Restaurant along with 2 aunts-in-law, a brother-in-law and my first-born. I have redeemed myself after this morning's hoo-ha (see previous post).

Unfortunately I have nothing much to say about the food, except it was really awful, awful, and awful. However, I must confess that the renovation has been er, tastefully done.

p/s I saw "a blast from my past" - let's leave this at that.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Puteribelibelah on a roll - kerchiiiiiing (with flapping wings)

Met up with a friend and her kids for lunch and ended up spending the whole afternoon together. A friend of hers joined us mid-way. I so *heart* her friend. He is just so hilarious. Makes me miss my "girl" friends too. It just goes to show what a Fag Hag I am at heart, if you catch my drift.

We practically trashed Le Orient boutique after lunch. The owner happened to be there so we had fun for hours playing dress-up. Of course, yours truly living up to her namesake went out the door after spending almost B$600. Who said playing dress-up was a cheap thrill?

We went for drinks at Vintage Rose - yes, I forgot how much hard work shopping is. By the time we were done it was already 6pm. Then I realised it was too late for me to go home at the in-laws and freshen up for my dinner date with another friend at 7:15. So I decided to stay until dinner.

When I picked up my friend she told me she needed to make a "pit stop" at The Mall to have something done to her shoes. Our so-called pit-stop turned out to be another shopping spree for me. I ended up with 2 pairs of shoes and a dress, and we our planned dinner only took place around 10!

Of course plenty - and I mean p.l.e.n.t.y. - of gossips ensued. Gosh, this is what I miss when I'm abroad. Just good, old, home-made gossip. Yum!

Got a slap om the wrist by mother dearest for coming home late - 01:30 in the morning. Apparent my mother-in-law called her to ask if I was staying over in Bandar. Haven't been in this much trouble with the parents since my single-mingle days! Haha!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wanker of the Week: KE1110

To the 2 wankaaaaaarrrrrrrs in the silver skyline pretending to be GTR - F U C K Y O U. Keep driving like that, I will see you in hell.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

To B or not to B Bag

After much contemplation and a rather long extended mental debate with the voice of reason - I have decided to take the plunge in buying the Fendi B Bag. Of course, preference would have been the Spy bag, but sod's law would have it that the one that I want (off-white) is no longer in Net-a-Porter. To think that the last time I saw it was 2 nights ago.

Anyway, too late now for I have just pressed the "proceed to payment" button for a yellow patent leather B Bag. Yes, I have been known to be a self-confessed 80's lover.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Carrot in my throat and wag flaving

I woke up with a sore throat. Must be the carrot cake for it was oh-so sweet. Note to self: Must reduce the sugar next time.

Sent Laukong to the airport. He's off to KL to get his Nigerian visa sorted out. Hopefully all will go well. First-born insisted on seeing his Datuk after the airport send-off. He got overly excited when he saw the Brunei flag on Gramp's car and insisted that he wants one as well. Gramps took pity on him and managed to "kikis" the flag off his car. Poor Gramps - he sheepishly confessed that he has been meaning to take the flag off anyway so just as well. Unfortunately Gramps is not a good liar.

Brought First-born to Euro Classic (yes, the staff still follow you around like you're the next shoplifter). When we went back to our car - lo and behold we found a flag stuck to our car! Imagine! First-born was well pleased and commented some poor guy had been so kind to stick a flag on our car while it was raining. Ah bless. I see Obi-Wan has taught you well.

The world this week:
Harry Potter naked? Britney bald? What is the world coming to? Or am I just getting old?

Carrot cake at the end of the stick: Brunei style

Went over to my aunt's house for a long-overdue carrot cake making session. It was fun spending time with my cousins. Happy to say that the carrot cake's life was short-lived. Meaning to say that it was a big hit - -especially Laukong who had absolutely no shame - nor remorse - in stuffing himself.

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's my party, I'll bitch if I want to!!

Second-born had his birthday party at the in-laws yesterday. Gazillions of people came but not a present in sight! Poor baby. Luckily he's too young to notice everyone coming empty-handed. I remember when first-born had his last year and he asked me where all his presents were. How do you explain that to a 4-year old? So I told him people don't necessarily bring presents to a birthday party. So the smarty-pants retorted "but how come people in Bandar (my side of the family) give presents?" I was lost for words at this point and told him to be happy with what he's got instead. Harummph!

Not one to be an ingrate - but really. First-born's got a point. It's a children's birthday party for God's sake, why can't people have the decency to bring presents? There are $1.50 shops aplenty in Brunei - those will do. Point is, if it was an adult's birthday party then it's ok not to bring presents - in fact people normally expect the birthday boy/gal to be the one to "belanja" their family and friends on their big day. But when it's a children's party? Please! Have a heart!

Gave Laukong feedback that next time we won't bother having 2 parties each for the kids (one in Bandar and one at the in-laws). We will just have one next time. READ: only at the venue where the invitees give the kids presents. Otherwise "inda muleh model!!" - birthday parties don't come cheap, you know! Birthday cakes; goody bags (shouldn't have bothered); catering; the lot! Luckily we didn't bother with the bouncers (luckily also first-born doesn't like it).

How do these people sleep at night?!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tea, photos and a movie, dahling?

Laukong and I had the Dorchester Afternoon Tea at The Empire. For B$25 a pop it was worth it. Since The Empire opened it's doors to us mere mortals, I can count the number of times we've been there using one hand. We've never felt compelled to join the bandwagon to dine nor stay at The Empire. But I must say the Tea was lovely and I will definitely go there again before I leave.

Laukong was in a photo-op mood today, so we went to the Taman Rekreasi Hutan Berakas (that was a bit of a mouthful) and Tungku Beach. The highlight was when we stopped by NBT. So touristy were we!

We watched Music and Lyrics which was a barrel of laughs. I so heart Hugh Grant, he has never failed to make me laugh. I never thought Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore would make such a good couple. Of course my opinions about the movie might be biased. I have been known to be quite partial to the 80's, you know.

We also watched Ghost Rider last night. Not really sure what I thought about the movie though. I got suckered into watching it because of Nicholas Cage - yes, I do have this weird fascination for Nicholas Cage. Suffice to say that it was sadly not quite The Prophecy.

My second-born turned 1 yesterday. We had a little do on Thursday at my grandparents' and one tomorrow at my in-laws.

p/s I can tell Laukong is feeling rather inspired by Music and Lyrics. He is currently experimenting with his Reason 3.0 (which he reasons is miles better than Pro-Tools - excuse the pun).

pp/s Met someone whom I thought was quite rude. I'd rather have not said hello.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I blog, therefore I am

An observation: Interestingly I have noticed that the bloggers are starting to turn on each other. There has been too much bitching on the increase in the blogging world lately. And I thought blogging was supposed to be a"siok sendiri" journal/past time/website/whatever you make of it. But I guess, in true Bruneian-style, bloggers too are being judged in cyberspace by others who think they know better/blog better/blogged longer - "inda dapat liat orang sanang" is back with a virtual twist.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Lock, Frock and 2 Smoking Barrels

At the last minute I decided to join the mummies' morning coffee. I don't know why I almost took a rain check (it did rain though - no puns intended).

Spent over B$300 after the coffee morning at the new Redd Boutique at Q-Lap Mall. It was still early as the poor girl was still wiping the shop windows clean. Managed to find some tops that fit me (finally!) as the owner normally buys clothes that are only fit for Hongkie avenue princesses. I also bought a pair of Miu Miu-esque flats (so adorable) and I couldn't resist this red clutch bag (I'm still thinking about what/where/how I will be using this. Small bags are not normally my turf). I also saw the Stam Bag look-a-like. I admittedly comtemplated buying it, but since net-a-porter delivers to Brunei - no excuse not giving Marc Jacobs some money)! Besides, I risk getting urticaria if I don't have the genuine article on my arms.

Much to my shock/horror - It was only when I got home that I realised 2 of the tops had a crucifix (-ish) symbol on the chest. Grrrrrr! Why didn't I see that part of the logo!! I think I got too excited with the fact that the logo reminded me of the Vivienne Westwood symbol...hang-on a minute, didn't that one has a cross at the top of the orb too?! Doh!

Anyway, I think I have figured out a way to fix this problem without having to return the goods (I so love those tops!). I shall wear them without being struck by lightning.

p/s I can't stop thinking about this long black dress I saw. I'm so tempted to buy it. Laukong (ever the "realist") asked if I was expecting an invite to some award ceremony or prom (READ: where the hell are you going to wear that frock?) I think I might just buy it, if only to let it hang in my wardrobe. Itchy hands, itchy wallet.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - Brunei Style & Random Ramblings

Bought 2 tops, 1 pants, 1 pair of shoes (finally! And at Bata too!). Most of the other stuff are for my first-born - his study desk plus stationery accessories.

Some random thoughts:
1) Why do Bruneians like to stare? Ok so "ada mata" you might say, but at least smile at the person you are staring at rather than look with that not-so-discreet once-over look.

2) Why do Bruneian couples like to sit side-by-side when they eat at restaurants? Is it so that your date won't be able to see you tomota sauce moustache?

3) Does the "Kadai Komunis" shop really play the same song on "repeat 1" since its opening God-knows how long ago that was?

Found my favourite Japanese magazine Vivi at Grand Utama of all places - who cares if it was the December 2006 edition. I haven't bought the magazine in years since HMV, Singapore stopped selling them. I remember my maiden purchase at a Japanese book shop in Piccadilly Circus very well. There were so many magazines to choose from but alas, in true Best Eastern Bookshop-style they were all wrapped in plastic. I recall shyly asking a Japanese lady standing next to me which magazine she recommends - my criteria was very specific, which magazine had the most articles on handbags - the designer kind no less.

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - Brunei Style: Puteribelibelah Strikes Back

It's been a while since I last blogged. I've been busy and too lazy to blog. The Sims 2 has taken over my life.

On the other hand much shopping has been done here in Brunei Darussalam - would you believe? Countless DVD's, more than a dozen shirts and tops and a watch (convinced Laukong that 1) I needed a dress watch - surely my Chanel J12 does not go with a baju-kurung? 2) Have not really been much of a watch person. Last watch purchase was more than 2 years ago. 3) It cost less than my dream watch - MUCH). No shoes though. Laukong surprised me with a Nikon D80 a couple of weeks ago though I have yet to fully realise its potential. Laukong also bought a car which we are hoping to be relased early next week before we leave for Nigeria.

First-born has also started school last week. Suffice to say that he enjoys it and has comfortably found a new best friend. I have also been invited to a coffee morning this coming Monday. One of the mummies has opened a cafe.

We went to visit a friend in KB yesterday. We only arrived home in the wee hours of this morning around 3:30. But it was good to catch up and spend time together.

Friday, January 19, 2007

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - Brunei Style & Sister

Spent the whole day with my #2 sister yesterday. It didn't take much for me to convince Laukong that I needed some time-out from him *no apologies required* and for a girly day out.

We ended up spending most of the time (and money) in Iora. I bought 5 shirts (perchance I do not need to make that day trip to Singapore afterall), a pair of shorts and a bag for my sister. Later we went DVD shopping (bought tons for Laukong) and chilled at The Dome. Went for a quick stop at Vincci before heading home - Vincci has failed me this time. I went out empty-handed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Night at the Mall Cinema

Watched the Night at the Museum with Laukong, first-born and *ahem* an extra courtesy of first-born (will not get into details for fear of offence). I must say I enjoyed the movie despite not being a big Ben Stiller fan (though I must confess I have been guilty of watching many of his movies and enjoying them for some reason unbeknownst to me).

P/S Kirim salam to the *ahem* popcorn guy. I can't believe he still works there. Must find excuse to buy popcorns at The Mall.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Gathering

The whole family went to Seria today to visit what's left of our friends still living there. It turned out to be a mini-gathering in our honour, which reminds me of what I miss most while living abroad.

After late-lunch (from corn-dogs & kebabs to rojak & cucur tarap), the whole event turned into a DVD marathon. Well actually it was more like a dissection and scene-by-scene critique of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (extended version) and The Matrix (with the making-of scenes behind the actions). Of course, the most active particpants were yours truly and a dear friend (who has still stuck to his promise of being my side-kick to our yet-to-materialise backpacking trip to India - bless him).

The kids had the most wonderful time catching up. My first-born enjoyed himself immensely ending with the usual tantrums of not wanting to go home. Yes, this kind of visits normally do end in tears.

Indeed it is always nice to catch up with friends - it has been more than 10 years ago that I first met them when there were, originally, 10 of us batched up together ready to be shipped to the UK on scholarship. We have all come a long way since. Some did not make it through university, some of us got married and became parents (a spin-off of Baby Gatherings soon ensued), some are still enjoying their honeymoon period, some only starting to enjoy the wonders of parenthood while some have since resigned from our employer and onto what seemed like greener pastures. But no matter where we are, we have somehow managed to keep in touch over the years - with some more often than not. But with the wonders of e-mail, we do maintain some kind of contact with everyone through bulk e-mails with news of each other.

I've said it before and I will say it again, the one thing I miss the most is my friends. For it is friends that keep you sane when you feel your whole world is crumbling down (like when your colleague is being a bitch). For it is your friends with whom you share your joy (like when a new handbag is aquired). For it is your old friends that are the best friends.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - Brunei Style

Today me and Laukong went down to Bandar sans les enfants. I don't remember the last time we went out "just the two of us". We had dim sum at the restaurant (just realised that I don't know the name) at Hua Ho Mall in Jalan Muara.

I told Laukong that I wanted to get myself a pair of earrings since the one that I have been wearing is getting a little bit too rusty now. It's about time I update my good old dependable B$2.50 version from Nanyang (I'm surprised it has lasted this long considering my earlobes normally get infected for wearing non-gold earrings).

So off we went to The Mall as I recall correctly there is a white gold jewellery store. I got more than I had bargained for - what with Laukong feeling - rather unlike him (sorry, babe) - should I say...generous. An extremely happy me got out with a pair of hooped-earrings with diamonds, a pair of diamond studs, a pearl necklace (on my wishlist) and a pair of pearl earrings as an afterthought.

Then I managed to buy 3 tops for myself, which is a feat in itself considering most shops in Brunei only cater for stick-thin Hongkie-sized gals.

Laukong also bought me The Sims 2 - Pets for my PSP (only later to be claimed by my first-born), and we bought Seasons 1 & 2 of Little Britain for our Friday night DVD sessions back in Nigeria.

My jet-lag is showing some signs of improvement. I woke up at 10:30, courtesy of a phone call from a dear friend.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Home Not So Sweet Home

Holiday's over. We are now in good old Brunei Darussalam. Not in Nigeria, I hear you say? Oh. Did we not tell you that we have been evacuated? Yes, the wonders of living in such a politically volatile country. After much incident of bomb attacks in Port Harcourt (I'll let you google/search/whatever it on the Internet) - our employer has decided that all dependents are to be evacuated back to home countries. This happened just before our scheduled holidays in South Africa. So we flew back to Brunei straight from Jo'Berg. Oh the pain.

It just hit me that coming home unplanned is so not fun. Boo-hoo. I'm homeless (we're living at the in-laws); carless (so-have-to-depend on Laukong to take me out); helpless (how do I continue to work in Nigeria if my children can't come with me?)

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - The Revenge

...yes, tomorrow WAS definitely another day. I had a follow-up visit to LV and bought the following:

1) Monogram Sac Plat
2) Monogram Speedy 25 for my mum
3) Monogram wallet

Saturday, January 06, 2007

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Definitely got my dose of shopping today. Bought myself the following:

1) LV Manhattan GM handbag
2) LV Monogram Canvas Zippy Organiser
3) Prada shoes (really cute!)
4) Gucci handbag with the classic bamboo handle
5) Gucci belt
6) Gucci baby bottle holder

I am definitely a happy bunny today.

...but tomorrow is another day. Hah hah.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Gimme Hope Joanna

We've just arrived in Jo'Berg today. Frankly it's not as nice as Cape Town. If it wasn't for my handbag craving, I would have probably given it a miss.

Laukong was a happy man today though. For a change he did the shopping and not me. He is now the proud owner of a MacBook Pro. He hinted that he will count it as his belated birthday present. So I told him if that's the case, then it will be his belated/crimbo/advanced birthday present combo. Hahaha!

I have purposely not bought any handbags yet since we will be spending 4 days here. If I were to buy them today, I would get the earliest flight home tomorrow and not bother with the other 3 days.

So for now, let's give Jo'Berg a chance and see what she's got to offer.

Cape Town: The Greatest Hits

Our wonderful apartment at the Marina in The Waterfront area.

The Waterfront

Camp's Bay

Boulder's Beach in Simon's Town

The Great White Shark at the Two Oceans Aquarium

Long Street

Where Nelson Mandela made his first Freedom Speech

p/s That's not me and Laukong btw.

Table Mountain

This mosque was all that remained of the old District 6. In 1966 the apartheid-era government declared it to be a "whites-only" area. All coloured people were forced to move out of the area. The only remaining buildings alllowed to stand were that of worship - hence the mosque.

Since the abolishment of the apartheid rule, many coloured people returned to the District 6. Most of whom are decendants of slaves from the Far East during the spice trade. Traditionally houses were not numbered, so the houses were painted in different colours to differentiate. That trandition has evidently since continued.

Bo-Kaap the Cape Malay area, also now predominatly where the Muslim settlers live. Some Malay words are still used like "lebaran" for the Eid celebrations (though you may want to pronounce it in an Afrikan accent - which I could definitely get used to!).

It's a long, long way to Tippereree...

Finally a place I learnt in my primary school history books

Cape Point

Cape of Good Hope (at least I can now claim that I have gone sampai ke hujung dunia with Laukong - well, almost).

Sightings of the ghost ship The Flying Dutchman (of The Pirates of the Carribean fame) have been claimed - apparently.