Sunday, January 14, 2007

We're S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G. - Brunei Style

Today me and Laukong went down to Bandar sans les enfants. I don't remember the last time we went out "just the two of us". We had dim sum at the restaurant (just realised that I don't know the name) at Hua Ho Mall in Jalan Muara.

I told Laukong that I wanted to get myself a pair of earrings since the one that I have been wearing is getting a little bit too rusty now. It's about time I update my good old dependable B$2.50 version from Nanyang (I'm surprised it has lasted this long considering my earlobes normally get infected for wearing non-gold earrings).

So off we went to The Mall as I recall correctly there is a white gold jewellery store. I got more than I had bargained for - what with Laukong feeling - rather unlike him (sorry, babe) - should I say...generous. An extremely happy me got out with a pair of hooped-earrings with diamonds, a pair of diamond studs, a pearl necklace (on my wishlist) and a pair of pearl earrings as an afterthought.

Then I managed to buy 3 tops for myself, which is a feat in itself considering most shops in Brunei only cater for stick-thin Hongkie-sized gals.

Laukong also bought me The Sims 2 - Pets for my PSP (only later to be claimed by my first-born), and we bought Seasons 1 & 2 of Little Britain for our Friday night DVD sessions back in Nigeria.

My jet-lag is showing some signs of improvement. I woke up at 10:30, courtesy of a phone call from a dear friend.

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