Monday, March 19, 2007


I have just purchased 5 Moschino items online. Do you remember those Moschino bags, in its hey-day during the early 90's, with the individual gold lettering? (must say no one had trouble spelling M.O.S.C.H.I.N.O. after that) Well, I bought 3 bags and 2 accessories from that line *see net-a-porter, my credit card does match with the billing address I sent you. For I am THE bonifide owner of said credit card. Your loss, I guess, for I could have upped your March sales by thousands of GBP*

Anyway, before you scream "IDIOT!!" - I happen to love that line from Moschino! They don't make those bags anymore. I guess they're not friends with Redwall anymore (?). I have been searching high-and-low for them and have had no success. The current bags that they do are just too whimsical for me (hey, I can DO whimsical but just not in that dose).

Now let's see how fast you can say "UPS!!"

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