Monday, May 07, 2007

Dream a Little Dream of Me (Les Yeux Ouverts)

Right. Now that we've all established that I am at the crossroad of my career (TRUST me when I tell you this), I figured it's about time I write down my masterplan. No point in pondering about my ideas in my messed-up (verging on psychotic) mind.

So what grand plans have I got up my sleeves, I hear you asked?

Well, for one thing, I'm not going to with you the detailed plan for sure. Hah! You wish! Wouldn't want you lot to steal my ideas, and the next thing I know you'lll be running my dream plans before I can even say, "I sooooo can't believe you just did thaaaa'!!!!" *in my best Vicky Pollard accent.*

So what I'll do is just outline what I've got in mind in case I forget, but more importantly in case you steal my ideas, you little shit stirrers (as Marjorie Dawes would call you).

1) Enroll in appropriate course. Probably a basic one for starters for I really don't know shit about this stuff I'm about to embark upon.

2) Save up enough dosh. "Have I got enough shit?"

3) Do feasibility study. "Do people actually want this shit?"

4) Find sources. "Do people actually do/sell/have this shit?"

5) Quit current wanky job. *DUH!* "I hate this shit." If I'm too fed-up, this could very well go up to no.1 of this list.

6) Make sure current boss gets cast in the next production of "SHITTY-SHITTY, Bang-Bang" 'cause the man's got shit and hell yeah, he's so full of it. *Ok, so maybe I'm getting just a little bit overboard here. But a girl can dream. I do hate the fucking wanker!*

This is it for brainstorming for now. I can;t think of anything else. But this thread is certainly an open-ended one. To be continued....

As you can see from the title (indulge me a little here), although both languages have different meanings but indeed they are equally appropriate to the current story of my life.

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