Friday, August 10, 2007

In the Midnight Out...

....she cried...WORK, WORK, WORK...

..nuff said.

...actually just woke up from the dead. Always my body's way of saying have a break. On the bright side, it also means that I get to lose weight! Hah!

Plus, long weekend is here!!

P/S Since I have longed owed you an update of my shopping spree (a rather manic one in hindsight), I have decided I shall dedicate a separate blog for it. A spin-off off this one really. Aptly named (even if I say so myself) puteribelibelah: The Inciminating Evidence. So that this one will just be for my random ramblings and any other thoughts that goes through the inner workings of my (sometimes - says she) psychotic mind, one-liner or otherwise. Basically my "smack my bitch up" moments - if you please.

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