Saturday, December 30, 2006


Currently on holiday. Will post pictures and updates soon. Server here somehow cannot cope with picture uploads.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Goodbye seems to be the hardest word

It is still uncertain whether or not I will return to Nigeria. The hardest part is saying goodbye to our household staff. My biggest worry is what will happen to them if we don't come back? Where will they find a job when all the expats are going away?

It is strange that I do not feel fear after all that has happened. The sadness is too overwhelming for any other emotions to surface. I will miss our house here. It is our home. We have so many happy memories here albeit for a short four months. The children have settled-in so well, especially our first-born. He has come such a long way since we have arrived here.

I still cannot believe that it has come down to this - all because of selfish acts by individual groups who think that their cause is for the greater good. But how can that be when it is destroying their country's biggest source of income? With all the expats leaving, their own comunity will lose their jobs.

I really don't want to think about what will happen to our household staff. It breaks my heart to think of them without any source of income. What will they do? Where will they find employment outside of the camp? If I could, I would bring them all home with us. The children will certainly miss them. They have been so good to the children. We will never find such kind and caring people anywhere in the world.

I just wish the situation would improve. But at this point in time that would be wishful thinking. There is still the main election to overcome. It will take some time for the dust to settle.

We have no choice but to just wait and see. We will leave in the hands of God to decide.


Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


At almost 2pm, we got an e-mail from our warden that there has been an explosion at the camp - possibly a car bomb. I quickly called home and made sure that the kids are ok. Nobody really felt like working after that. I was too distracted to do anything - I just wanted to go home and be with the children.

On the way home, we saw the wreckage. It just seemed surreal. I had a hard time registering the fact that the camp had been attacked.

We had an emergency briefing later that evening with the Director. He comfirmed that it had been a car bomb. Turned out that we weren't the only camp attacked. Another car bomb was also detonated at another camp almost simultaneously as ours. A militant group had claimed responsibility. They also claimed that there was a third bomb but aborted it at the last minute to prevent loss of innocent lives.

This attack can only mean bad news for us expats.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

For the Love of 80's: Drive-In

For the Love of 80's: Marry, marry quite contrary

Before the Unsung Heroes of the new millenium came along, these were the guys that I wanted to marry:

Diary of a Brosette

While researching for materials for my "For the Love of 80's" entries, it occured to me how big a part Bros had played in my life as I entered into my tweenage years.

I remembered the first time I saw on tv. I think it was sometime in 1987. "When Will I Be Famous" was not even released yet. It was on a programme called "Going Live", and Sarah Green was interviewing them. I don't remember what about them that caught my eye. But the rest as they say is history - I was hooked, big time.

So there begins my journey as a Brosette. All pocket money would be spent on financing my Brosette habit. Of course, living in London definitely had it's advantages. It meant that I had access to everything.

The Brosette uniform:
Red blazer (check)
Doc Martens with Grolsch bottle top (pass - held my dad responsible for not drinking beer)
The infamous Red or Dead shoes with watch (check - at 60 quid, it was the most expensive shoes that a 12-year old me had bought)
Gold bull buckle (pass - mum wouldn't let me buy)
James Dean buckle (check)
Red bandana tied around collar boy scout style (check)
Ripped Levi's 501 (check - sponsored my granddad - hugs)

Realising there was no turning back in my obsession for Bros, mum surprised me with concert tickets at the Wembley Arena. I was extremely ecstatic. It was the best Christmas present ever.

There were others - Brother Beyond, Halo James - that tried and tested the Bros fomula. But none even won me over. I would watch them in disgust as they did their performances on Top of the Pops.

Of course the highlight of my career as a Brosette (or to any Brosette for that matter) was when I met Matt Goss. Yes, I did! God must have felt kind (or probably sorry for me) that fateful night to have made my wish come true. I was in Our Price record shop in Bayswater with my mum. As usual I went straight to the record section and automatically went to the "B" section searching for any edition of Bros records that I have not bought yet.

Then my mum started acting really weird and funny. You know when people started to communicate with you like their eyes are about to pop out and all. Then she told me to turn around and see who was looking behind me. I have never been so dumbstruck in my life.

MATT GOSS WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME SMILING AND SAYING SOMETHING. For the life of me it took a while for me to figure out that Matt Goss was actually talking to me!! Oh did I also mention that he gave me a peck on the cheek (I don't think I washed my face for a while after that night).

I don't remember exactly how my career as a Brosette faded/ended. I suspect it had a lot to do with Craig Logan's departure. I did try to extend my loyalty when Too Much was released, but somehow it just wasn't the same. I think my loyalty only stretched as far as Chocolate in the Box.

But as you know, the departure of Bros in the music world gave way to New Kids on the Block - literally.

Matt Goss

For the Love of 80's: Now That's What I Call Music

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Lady in the Water

Another wonderful movie. Not quite your typical clinging-onto-your-seat-M. Night Shyamalan-in-The-Village-style but gripping in the most wonderful of ways. Much like The Big Fish - to be honest.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Concerto

So wonderful! Me go emo!

My first-born had his Christmas concert at school. It was absolutely wonderful. Me and Laukong were brimming with pride. We couldn't believe that he had actually participated and sang and danced just as he and his friends were taught to.

The last Christmas concert he did was last year when we were still living in Dubai. The poor boy must suffered so much stage fright that he just stood there frozen.

But this year, he has come a long way. His confidence has shot up through the roof. He has become so articulate in his spoken English. He can read his school books without much help. He even received a Star Pupil certificate in recognition of this.

*SIGH* My baby boy is really growing up before my very eyes. And to think he is only 4. :)


Worra ingrate. Nuff said.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Black to White

While I was busy sulking and feeling sorry for myself, our nanny happily announced that the freight people have arrived. At first I thought she was joking. *cue* me being cautious and weary and starting to get used to disappointments. Turned out she was right.

I wanted to jump with glee, but stopped before the euphoria overpowered me as I have been warned that the boxes had been opened. True to their words, at least for this one, 2 of the boxes did not arrive in their original ones. 3 boxes were severely damaged, the contents trying to burst out of the sellotaped edges.

On the bright side all contents seem intact in terms of quantity. Except for 2 packs of my first-born's long awaited powdered milk and our 2 sacks of rice which had suspicious looking holes that had been gnawed through. Let's not even go there. *shudder*

I am however, happy to report that I now have other items of clothing to wear (to work and at leisure) other than my 4 (Monday through to Thursday; Friday is baju-kurung day) Polo shirts.

Food stock also arrived aplenty. But best of all 6 bottles' worth of T.G. Kiat rose syrup. Hoo-rah!

Of course the kids' stock of diapers and milk count too.

Now that our air freight has finally come, it's time to chase for our sea freight. Back to the drawing board!

Fade to Black

Here I am sitting at home waiting for the long - make that veeeeeery long - awaited arrival of my airfreight. The time is now 17:10 p.m. I've been told that they will deliver after work and now Laukong is telling me that these people do not work 24/7. Therefore I should let my guards down and just accept that my airfreight will not be arriving today. *SIGH* - make that a rather looooong *SIGH*

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Christmas present from my gift from God

My first-born came home from school today and gave me a lovely Christmas card and present. It cheered up my day. What parent wouldn't feel delighted at the thought of receiving a gift (hand-made at that) from the greatest gift God can ever give?

Brunei Marathon?

I've been following up closely on the post-mortem reports of the Brunei Marathon from various (both official and un) sources. Well, what can I say? Was it a big blunder for our country? Well, who am I to give my 2 cents worth? Afterall I wasn't even in Brunei to witness the event.

However, 2 participants should be noted - courtesy of Ranoadidas for giving them the spotlight. It's one thing to do a marathon, but it's another to do it for charity. Kudos to Norali and Andy for doing such a selfless act. It does bring the point to home and question - how often do we do things purely to help others? It is something to not just ponder about, but also something we should all strive to do. For a start, you can make a donation to their cause - Seeing is Believing - helping those who are visually impaired.

Charity, afterall, begins at home.

My Take on Living in Nigeria: Dog Eat Dog World

I was walking to the other side of the office compound this morning with 3 of my colleagues, when I saw a stray dog. It hit me then that after being here for almost 4 months, this was the first time I have seen a stray dog in Nigeria. The only dogs I have seen here so far are the police guard dogs standing by the gates.

So I asked one of my colleagues why are there no stray dogs in Nigeria. Apparently, as my colleague reluctantly explained for fear that I am of the queasy sort, people eat them. Simple as that.

I guess this beats seeing squashed dogs with splattered brains that we see on a daily basis on Brunei roads.

*sniff* *sniff*: The Return

My weekend went by like a flurry. My nose was runny literally the whole day. I knew there was something wrong when I had to shove tissue up my nose rather than blowing it every bleeding second. After lunch, I decided to take something for cold and fell asleep...only to wake up at 6pm Sunday. Talk about chill-pill!!

Of course, after I had my emergency supply of chicken soup (bless the cook for agreeing to come in on a Sunday just to make me this) I fell back asleep until this morning.

How I managed to get up and go to work, I have no idea. In fact, I'm not even sure how I managed to survivethe day AND finished off some of my work! To top it all off, I didn't even go home for lunch - thanks to a late start for a meeting.

Always looking on the bright side of life - this means I get to lose more weight. As of today, my weight is officially as per my pre-1st pregnancy weight. Hoo-rah! Hoo-ray!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

My Take on Living in Nigeria: Hot in Herre

The Harmatan season has finally arrived. Harmatan to Nigeria is what kemarau is to Brunei. So the dry season has definitely made its presence known after months of non-stop rain. Thankfully it is not as humid as it is in Brunei. However, the air can give off the feeling of thickness and dustiness.

Mornings, strangely enough, is quite cool and sometimes misty. Cool air breezes by and you get that feeling as if you are in the UK during summertime rather than in the middle of Africa. You can thank this, and the dustiness, from the wind coming from the Sahara desert.

However, come mid-day it's a different story altogether. The temperature rises and the air starts to feel a bit thick. It's times like these you start to miss the rainy season. You dream of the days when you have a swimming pool in your backyard so you can chill and cool off. *SIGH* I long to see the day when my seafreight arrives so I can unpack and install our pool. But at this rate, by the time we're ready, the rainy season would have come again full-circle.

To Whom It May Concern

To whoever borrowed my book sometime in 1997, please return it. You know who you are. You are rich enough to buy a copy for yourself by now - surely with your fancy-schmancy cars and all...AND if I recall correctly, you never did went to Paris afterall.

One pet peeve I have are people who like to "borrow" things permanently. It's one thing to "param" other people's stuff, it's another when they just don't return it to the rightful owner. How do these people sleep at night?

Friday Matinee

Have just finished watching You, Me & Dupree. It's such a stupidly funny movie. At the beginning, I honestly thought I was not going to enjoy it. Somehow Dupree reminded me of a dear friend. He can be really annoying but in the most endearing way. He always means well though, so no matter what I will always have a soft spot for him. Warts and all, I do miss him and he'll always be a good friend of mine.

Am currently watching The Covenant. I've never actually heard of it until tonight - for good reason really, as I have never heard of any of the cast members before. Also, it seems to be a teenage movie, much like The Craft: Boy Band version.

However, judging by my mood and chain of events these past week - work-wise - this movie was most appropriate. Don't you wish sometimes that you have super powers to do or make things happen out of sheer will? Especially to people that just annoy the hell out of you like the Mr Wanker you've had the pleasure of getting to know now.

Friday, December 08, 2006


This is taking flexible working one step further. If only more companies are as radical and as willing to take such risks. When's the next vacancy? Sign me up!


How is it that someone so high up in the organisation can be so unprofessional? And to top it all off, act so childish? As an outsider in this country, I am compelled to think that perhaps this is a culturally phenomenon. But having thought hard about it, I don't think that is a fair assumption. I shouldn't generalise really, as my interactions with other locals have shown me far more professional and acceptable behaviour.

Right now I am too pissed off to think too much about it. It's been going on for more than 3 weeks now. I'll park this aside in the meantime and keep in view for a more detailed account (and perhaps insight - if I can calm myself down) in one of my "My Take on Nigeria" entries.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

You've got to be kidding me

Saw this article at Yahoo! Have a read and see what you think.

Sounds like a cop-out to me. Pah!


Had another sore throat yesterday but managed to scramble all the way to work. To be expected, there were plenty of e-mails with urgent actions waiting for me. Of course, everyone is priority. Pfffft!

Towards the end of the day, I received a nasty phone call from a customer. He's been giving me nasty phone calls for quite some time now and have been an absolute, complete wanker. You first met him in my Wanker-Dory entry. Well, I shall say no more about him - until such time that he decides to grace me with another "friendly" phone call.

Oh btw, did I tell you that my boss was being funny yesterday as well?

In summary - working here is really beginning to be a pain. I get no support from my boss. Hard time from customers who are just NEVER satisfied. Colleagues who pretend to be nice (yes, I can see right through you, Miss Butter-wouldn't-melt-in-your-mouth).

This is definitely not the kind of work challenge I was expecting. But I suppose any kind of challenge is a challenge in itself.

~says she.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Found this cool site that makes nice slide show for you. Here's my first attempt.