Sunday, December 17, 2006

Diary of a Brosette

While researching for materials for my "For the Love of 80's" entries, it occured to me how big a part Bros had played in my life as I entered into my tweenage years.

I remembered the first time I saw on tv. I think it was sometime in 1987. "When Will I Be Famous" was not even released yet. It was on a programme called "Going Live", and Sarah Green was interviewing them. I don't remember what about them that caught my eye. But the rest as they say is history - I was hooked, big time.

So there begins my journey as a Brosette. All pocket money would be spent on financing my Brosette habit. Of course, living in London definitely had it's advantages. It meant that I had access to everything.

The Brosette uniform:
Red blazer (check)
Doc Martens with Grolsch bottle top (pass - held my dad responsible for not drinking beer)
The infamous Red or Dead shoes with watch (check - at 60 quid, it was the most expensive shoes that a 12-year old me had bought)
Gold bull buckle (pass - mum wouldn't let me buy)
James Dean buckle (check)
Red bandana tied around collar boy scout style (check)
Ripped Levi's 501 (check - sponsored my granddad - hugs)

Realising there was no turning back in my obsession for Bros, mum surprised me with concert tickets at the Wembley Arena. I was extremely ecstatic. It was the best Christmas present ever.

There were others - Brother Beyond, Halo James - that tried and tested the Bros fomula. But none even won me over. I would watch them in disgust as they did their performances on Top of the Pops.

Of course the highlight of my career as a Brosette (or to any Brosette for that matter) was when I met Matt Goss. Yes, I did! God must have felt kind (or probably sorry for me) that fateful night to have made my wish come true. I was in Our Price record shop in Bayswater with my mum. As usual I went straight to the record section and automatically went to the "B" section searching for any edition of Bros records that I have not bought yet.

Then my mum started acting really weird and funny. You know when people started to communicate with you like their eyes are about to pop out and all. Then she told me to turn around and see who was looking behind me. I have never been so dumbstruck in my life.

MATT GOSS WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME SMILING AND SAYING SOMETHING. For the life of me it took a while for me to figure out that Matt Goss was actually talking to me!! Oh did I also mention that he gave me a peck on the cheek (I don't think I washed my face for a while after that night).

I don't remember exactly how my career as a Brosette faded/ended. I suspect it had a lot to do with Craig Logan's departure. I did try to extend my loyalty when Too Much was released, but somehow it just wasn't the same. I think my loyalty only stretched as far as Chocolate in the Box.

But as you know, the departure of Bros in the music world gave way to New Kids on the Block - literally.

Matt Goss

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