Saturday, December 09, 2006

My Take on Living in Nigeria: Hot in Herre

The Harmatan season has finally arrived. Harmatan to Nigeria is what kemarau is to Brunei. So the dry season has definitely made its presence known after months of non-stop rain. Thankfully it is not as humid as it is in Brunei. However, the air can give off the feeling of thickness and dustiness.

Mornings, strangely enough, is quite cool and sometimes misty. Cool air breezes by and you get that feeling as if you are in the UK during summertime rather than in the middle of Africa. You can thank this, and the dustiness, from the wind coming from the Sahara desert.

However, come mid-day it's a different story altogether. The temperature rises and the air starts to feel a bit thick. It's times like these you start to miss the rainy season. You dream of the days when you have a swimming pool in your backyard so you can chill and cool off. *SIGH* I long to see the day when my seafreight arrives so I can unpack and install our pool. But at this rate, by the time we're ready, the rainy season would have come again full-circle.

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