Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oh, fuck, wank, bugger, shitting arsehead and hole - Part 2: The Revenge

That just about sums up my day today.

Cranky customers calling first thing in the morning - have been away from the office for 2 days (sick & workshop), so fair go, mate!

Cranky colleague pulling up a strop - all was sorted in the end as I had predicted, if only people don't start pushing the panic mode to begin with.

Idiotic collleague who washes his hands clean and likes to move the goal post - whatever happened to all this talk about ACCOUNTABILITY?

Colleague decides to tell that "ideally" the deadline for data submission should be end of close of business - I was 'kindly' informed at 10 minutes to 4pm.

Missed lunch. Took the late bus home.

Like I said - Oh, fuck, wank, bugger, shitting arsehead and hole...

Picture credit: "after years of hating myself i finally got this job" - sam brown, exploding dog

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