Saturday, May 06, 2006

2 unhappy feet, a wedding and an unresolved issue

My feet are starting to show cracks at the heels....and I thought these things only happen to people at my mum's age (sorry, mum). I miss my weekly mani and pedi at N-Bar, Dubai. Have been tempted to book myself for a session since I got back, but I really don't like the nail bars in Brunei. I question their hygiene standards and practice (er no, filling a cup with some blue liquid and submerging the utensils, does NOT count as sterilising, people!!). Until someone tells me of a good and hygienic nail bar, I'll just have to be content with the current state of my feet (oh, the humiliation).

"Deep down, I'm pretty superficial"

~ Ava Gardner

I will be missing my friend's wedding in Holland tomorrow. I wish her all the happiness in the world on the start of a new life with the man of her dreams. I just wish I could be there to witness the happy moment. Everyone else seem to be flying in for the ceremony except me. Ho-hum.

Re: My previous blog about work - still unresolved. Oh bloody, oh-blah blah blah. My boss has yet to call me, so I have not responded to the e-mail query. I so hate this period of uncertainty and unresolved issues. It's bad enough that I suffer insomnia on a good day, let alone when I have things to worry about. People keep forgetting that I am still on leave. It just goes to show that being indispensable is a curse. This blog shall continue...

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