Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Have not been able to update my blog because the Simpur server has been down for a few days. That's what you get for using a dial-in connection - yes, I know that is so last century of me.

I actually went to watch Poseidon last Thursday. It turned out to be quite good. Josh Lucas was an added bonus too. Looking forward to Over the Hedge opening this Thursday, so I can watch it with my first-born.

1) One big milestone is that my first-born had his first date last Friday at the Jungle Gym. It was just too cute for words.
2) Also, my second-born gave me his first genuine smile that morning around 3. All those sleepless nights finally pays off.
3) Completed The Sims 2 on PSP. Managed to beat Dr Dominion - hahaha!! Haven't completed a game since the Super Mario years on Ninetendo (this was before the Ninetendo 64 years - like am I really that old?!).

Couldn't resist buying shoes at The Mall after my son's date. I've been eyeing it for a week. Now I just have to figure out an outfit to go with it for its debut - which probably never happens. Don't know why, but I don't seem to bother to dress up in this God-forsaken town anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old. The Mall seems to be swarmed with teenagers these days. I always end up going out in the usual jeans-and-t-shirt combo, which is kind of getting too predictable for the likes of me. Ho-hum...until another entry.

Wish-list: Dior Gaucho bag (before it goes out of style and/or one of those sad shops at The Mall starts selling the Korean copy).

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