Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Have not been able to update my blog because the Simpur server has been down for a few days. That's what you get for using a dial-in connection - yes, I know that is so last century of me.

I actually went to watch Poseidon last Thursday. It turned out to be quite good. Josh Lucas was an added bonus too. Looking forward to Over the Hedge opening this Thursday, so I can watch it with my first-born.

1) One big milestone is that my first-born had his first date last Friday at the Jungle Gym. It was just too cute for words.
2) Also, my second-born gave me his first genuine smile that morning around 3. All those sleepless nights finally pays off.
3) Completed The Sims 2 on PSP. Managed to beat Dr Dominion - hahaha!! Haven't completed a game since the Super Mario years on Ninetendo (this was before the Ninetendo 64 years - like am I really that old?!).

Couldn't resist buying shoes at The Mall after my son's date. I've been eyeing it for a week. Now I just have to figure out an outfit to go with it for its debut - which probably never happens. Don't know why, but I don't seem to bother to dress up in this God-forsaken town anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old. The Mall seems to be swarmed with teenagers these days. I always end up going out in the usual jeans-and-t-shirt combo, which is kind of getting too predictable for the likes of me. Ho-hum...until another entry.

Wish-list: Dior Gaucho bag (before it goes out of style and/or one of those sad shops at The Mall starts selling the Korean copy).

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

M For Movies

Just finished watching V For Vendetta. It was pretty disappointing to be honest - apart from Natalie Portman's impressive British accent (2nd only to a certain Ms. Paltrow - I must say). However, speaking of this reminds me of this 80s TV series called "V". I remember looking forward to watching every single one of its episodes. To anyone important in the movie industry who might be reading this blog, you might want to consider doing a movie re-make of it (just don't do an X-File from TV-to-movie flop on it, please).

While we're on the subject of movies, am still contemplating of whether to watch Poseidon when it opens this week. I might just do, if only to watch Fergie from B.E.P. drown or something (yes, I can hear my sister screaming, "But you don't even know if she dies!!").

Otherwise it has not been an eventful few days, except for the following:

1) Been going on a Star Wars movie-marathon for the past 2 nights. It's amazing how different you see Episodes IV, V and VI after you've seen it straight from I 'til III. It's such a tragic story based on the simple storyline of a bad father who is in the end redeemed by his son.

2) Been busy shopping for the B$10 colour-theme gift-swapping with my sisters. Pink for me; Green and pink for my little sister who is not so little anymore; Lavender and green for my baby sister who is not a baby anymore. Finally nailed it today and ready for the swapping day on Friday.

3) Finally figured out how to play The Sims 2 on my PSP, and am addicted to it now. So that's what's been keeping me awake for the past few nights.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

2 unhappy feet, a wedding and an unresolved issue

My feet are starting to show cracks at the heels....and I thought these things only happen to people at my mum's age (sorry, mum). I miss my weekly mani and pedi at N-Bar, Dubai. Have been tempted to book myself for a session since I got back, but I really don't like the nail bars in Brunei. I question their hygiene standards and practice (er no, filling a cup with some blue liquid and submerging the utensils, does NOT count as sterilising, people!!). Until someone tells me of a good and hygienic nail bar, I'll just have to be content with the current state of my feet (oh, the humiliation).

"Deep down, I'm pretty superficial"

~ Ava Gardner

I will be missing my friend's wedding in Holland tomorrow. I wish her all the happiness in the world on the start of a new life with the man of her dreams. I just wish I could be there to witness the happy moment. Everyone else seem to be flying in for the ceremony except me. Ho-hum.

Re: My previous blog about work - still unresolved. Oh bloody, oh-blah blah blah. My boss has yet to call me, so I have not responded to the e-mail query. I so hate this period of uncertainty and unresolved issues. It's bad enough that I suffer insomnia on a good day, let alone when I have things to worry about. People keep forgetting that I am still on leave. It just goes to show that being indispensable is a curse. This blog shall continue...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fear is how I fall

Got an e-mail yesterday from my future employer asking about some data from my current job (READ: am still on maternity leave, people!). I couldn't sleep thinking that perhaps I'm in trouble for past crimes. Managed to speak to them today and turns out that they only wanted data clarification from 2004 - I hope my memory will not fail me. However, this is not over yet. Still have to get clearance from my current boss and for him to explain what exactly is the issue, and how much data I am able to share.

Planned to watch Ice Age 2 at the cinema with my first-born but I was too nerve-wrecked to look forward to it. Turns out that the cinema's stopped showing it already. So that's one issue sorted out. So ended up bringing my first-born to The Mall for some ice-cream - yes, we do go the extra mile for some ice. My first-born ended up buying a trolley bag with SpongeBob. Apparently he needs one when we travel to my next job. That's the inner-workings of a 3 year old's mind for you.

Ended the day watching M:i:III with my mum. So I did end up at the cinema afterall. But that still leaves me to think about the work data that I need to sort out. Until tomorrow when my boss calls to clarify. Another sleepless night entails before this gets sorted.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Not been an interesting week

...a rather stressful one actually...zzzzzzzzz...