Monday, July 14, 2008

The Last of the Great Spender

Dear Blog,

It just occurred to me (well, been suspecting this for quite a while now) that I have a cheap husband. I mean I take pride in the fact that I finance 99.9% of my obsessions (i.e. handbags and shoes). However, it would be nice to have Laukong lavish me with gifts once in a while - afterall, I am a girl. Case in point, I have asked Laukong to give me a "push" present after Kasturi's birth - I tell you it's not everyday he gets this sort of request from me, especially now that I have given birth to HIS long-awaited princess. Well, Kasturi is now over 2 weeks old and Laukong's flight back to Nigeria is tomorrow, and I still don't see any sign/signal/giveaway that he has any intention of buying me any.

His standard excuse these days is we need to save up for the house (at this rate, I expect we should be able to pay for our house CASH!!). Ok I agree - but up to a certain point. We have already created a savings account for that and it's accumulating interest like no one's business (Alhamdulillah) as we speak. So what's the point in having that account if we can't enjoy the rest of our spare change? That excuse is really starting to get old with me, especially when he's been spending A LOT on electronic gaming stuff and vintage guitars. Ok, so you say it's his money and he's entitled to buy what he likes. in that case, I foresee a quick shopping trip for yours truly in the very near future sponsored by...who else? Yours truly of course! It's my money and I'll buy whatever I want too. But then again, so what's new with that?

Yours Truly,
The Last of the Big Spender

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