Thursday, July 31, 2008

Haircut 100 by Edward Scissorhands

I finally had some "me" time today and went to get a haircut. I've been meaning to get my hair cut in the style I have seen in a magazine. So off I went and showed the hairdresser the picture and left fate in her hands.

Of course this being in Brunei means that when she was done, my hair looks NOTHING like the picture in the magazine. Oh, don't get me wrong - I know that I can't expect it to look 100% like the picture, what with different hair texture, Caucasian vs. Asian hair, blah, blah, blah. But I can now become the sixth ring on the Olympics logo or rather someone-put-a-bowl-over-my-head-and-used-it-as-a-mould haircut.

Oh well, at least I got my fringe - sort of.

P/S The in-laws and a cousin are here.
PP/S Dear Laukong, your brother dropped by too and graced us with his presence. I am beginning to conclude that he was born absent of manners. Yours Truly, Your Socially Correct Fabulous Half xxx

1 comment:

Habibah said...

Gunting rambut you daleng? Must see this!

Sorry about Friday but I wasn't myself, and definitely wasn't good for social consumption. Will make it up to you somehow.

Biiiig Hugggsssss!!!!