Thursday, July 31, 2008

Haircut 100 by Edward Scissorhands

I finally had some "me" time today and went to get a haircut. I've been meaning to get my hair cut in the style I have seen in a magazine. So off I went and showed the hairdresser the picture and left fate in her hands.

Of course this being in Brunei means that when she was done, my hair looks NOTHING like the picture in the magazine. Oh, don't get me wrong - I know that I can't expect it to look 100% like the picture, what with different hair texture, Caucasian vs. Asian hair, blah, blah, blah. But I can now become the sixth ring on the Olympics logo or rather someone-put-a-bowl-over-my-head-and-used-it-as-a-mould haircut.

Oh well, at least I got my fringe - sort of.

P/S The in-laws and a cousin are here.
PP/S Dear Laukong, your brother dropped by too and graced us with his presence. I am beginning to conclude that he was born absent of manners. Yours Truly, Your Socially Correct Fabulous Half xxx

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Miami Vice

Sunday, July 27, 2008

E X H A U S T E D: Lost Panda Found!

This whole parenting thing has really taken its toll. Thanks to sleepless nights for a month now, I have panda eyes.

So if anyone is looking for a lost panda, there's one here ranting on this blog right this minute.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


The in-laws are here!! No time for spring cleaning!! Good-bibe!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

E X H A U S T E D: Out of Office

Fever and flu have gone full blast. Taking medical leave now.

Will be back soon - if still alive.

E X H A U S T E D: The Return

I woke up yesterday morning with green snort and some phlegm which are always sure signs that I am on the road to recovery. However, as I work the night shift for Kasturi, my snort started to get runny again and my voice starting to disappear.

I...A M...R E A L L Y...R E A L L Y...R E A L L Y...E X H A U S T E D.

I am starting to fear that Kasturi might just fall off my arms in my exhaustion one of these nights, or I might just drop dead, or both.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

If Everyone Cared...

Love this video. Never fails to make me cry everytime I watch it. I hope it inspires you as much as it inspires me.

...Amen I, I'm alive.


I came down with a temperature last night. The flu has been hanging around for the past week already but it has yet to come out full blast. Even the fever last night I could tell was not the worst yet. No doubt it came from all the sleepless nights.

After having it rather easy with the boys, Kasturi has turned out to be a nocturnal baby. I should have expected this as she was most active midnight onwards during the last week of my pregnancy. I am so exhausted that I am almost reaching breaking point and nearing hysteria.

Where are you, Laukong, at times like these?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Will wonders never cease!

OMG!! Just got off the phone - the in-laws are coming! And they're staying over!!!! Must spring clean PRONTO!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Go Broadband!

Go to hell, I mean. Go Broadband isn't all that it's hyped up to be. We've tried it in all the districts except Temburong (at this rate, wouldn't count on it either) and the verdict is as follows:

Tutong = non existent (I'm not exaggerating)
KB = shite (have to reload pages repeatedly and if that fails restart the router)
Bandar with the exception of Jerudong because it's near the DST tower (how convenient) = crap (more page reloading)

...e-Speed must be having a laugh at this minute.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Last of the Great Spender

Dear Blog,

It just occurred to me (well, been suspecting this for quite a while now) that I have a cheap husband. I mean I take pride in the fact that I finance 99.9% of my obsessions (i.e. handbags and shoes). However, it would be nice to have Laukong lavish me with gifts once in a while - afterall, I am a girl. Case in point, I have asked Laukong to give me a "push" present after Kasturi's birth - I tell you it's not everyday he gets this sort of request from me, especially now that I have given birth to HIS long-awaited princess. Well, Kasturi is now over 2 weeks old and Laukong's flight back to Nigeria is tomorrow, and I still don't see any sign/signal/giveaway that he has any intention of buying me any.

His standard excuse these days is we need to save up for the house (at this rate, I expect we should be able to pay for our house CASH!!). Ok I agree - but up to a certain point. We have already created a savings account for that and it's accumulating interest like no one's business (Alhamdulillah) as we speak. So what's the point in having that account if we can't enjoy the rest of our spare change? That excuse is really starting to get old with me, especially when he's been spending A LOT on electronic gaming stuff and vintage guitars. Ok, so you say it's his money and he's entitled to buy what he likes. in that case, I foresee a quick shopping trip for yours truly in the very near future sponsored by...who else? Yours truly of course! It's my money and I'll buy whatever I want too. But then again, so what's new with that?

Yours Truly,
The Last of the Big Spender

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Express Yourself!

I've not been much of a breastfeeding mum when I had the 2 boys. However, with Kasturi I am determined to breastfeed for as long as I can. I am taking the term "Express Yourself" to a whole new level. So come on girls! Express Yourself!

Friday, July 11, 2008

All Grown Up

Yesterday marked a significant milestone in parenthood for me. For the first time my first born slept in his own room with my second born. We have been talking and planning about this for quite a while now and he has finally plucked up the courage to do it.

Laukong and I were on standby all night (well we were on the night shift with Kasturi anyway) leaving our bedroom door wide open and a mattress ready in case first born changes his mind in the middle of the night. Turns out we didn't need the mattress. He slept through the night on his own. Even second born didn't wake up in the middle of the night asking for his "auntie".

Dear First Born,
Well done for sleeping in your own room. You really have grown so much. It seems like only yesterday that we did the night shift for you, just like we are doing now for Kasturi. We are so proud of you.

Lots of love,
Mama & Babah xxx