Thursday, May 31, 2007

Call me by my number

Don't asked me why or how - but last night somehow DH and I had a conversation that led to a very fond memory I had of Chesney Hawkes.

Well, not really Chesney Hawkes as such but rather his one hit wonder "The One and Only". The song truly brought me back in time to a holiday I had with my parents and my second sister (who was my only sister at that time) in *get this* the Isle of Wight. The reason why the song had any connection to this holiday was the fact that I was fighting with my sister *fondly named as Anus* over her cassette single of the song. I remember I wanted to listen to it with my rather *ahem* cool yellow Sony Sports Walkman.

Anyway memory aside, DH and I ended up having a jolly good time, singing along to dear Chesney (bless his mole) on the iPod.

~ Call me. Call me by my name or, call me by my number ~

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Domestic Goddess has returned

Highlights of the day:

1) Our nanny made me my first Nigerian costume. I am well chuffed as it fits me perfectly! I can't believe she made it all in one day. She only measured me yesterday afternoon.

2) Domestic goddess me has returned. Made some oats and raisins cookies today. Chocolat Royal, here I come.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Nothing to write home about

Work sucks. Period.

More reason why you should always be your own boss. More reason why I wish I was home.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Excuse me while I choke *cough*

Got a phone call from the hotel reception 20 mins ago warning me that they will be fumigating the hotel. Bloody hell! They weren't joking.

I am practically choking to death in my room now and coughing my lungs out. I'm starting to have some pains in my chest as well.

If this doesn't kill the insects, then I don't know what will.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

(This is) The Story of a Girl

Pardon me, I need to save myself

As you can probably guess from the previous few entries that depression has reared its ugly head. Yes, you've sussed me. I cannot express enough how horrible things are at the moment. I have never ever felt so helpless in my life. Normally, I'm the resourceful type. When things don't seem to be going as planned, I always, always, always find a way or someone to help with the issues.

I hate the way things are at the moment. NOTHING seems to be moving. I am home sick. I hate my boss. I hate my job. I hate everyone and everything around me. I hate being here. I can no longer think of positive things. I'm having a REALLY hard time trying to find anything nice about this God-forsaken country. I just wish I could get out of here soon, before my dislike of this place turns to hatred. I want to leave while I still have happy memories of living here.

I've never felt so low in my life! The last time I was this rock-bottom was.......NEVER!! I don't remember things ever going this bad in either my career nor personal life.

Don't say I don't try though. Heck, you can't fault me for lack of trying in the efforts department. However, no one seems to be getting back to me with any sort of decision. I'm just so pissed that people left, right and fuckng centre are avoiding me. It seems everyone's response is on a tape-loop. Same all, same all elusive response that doesn't tell you anything.


Picture credit: "Pardon me, I need to save myself" by sam brown, explodingdog

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dream a Little Dream of Me (Les Yeux Ouverts)

Right. Now that we've all established that I am at the crossroad of my career (TRUST me when I tell you this), I figured it's about time I write down my masterplan. No point in pondering about my ideas in my messed-up (verging on psychotic) mind.

So what grand plans have I got up my sleeves, I hear you asked?

Well, for one thing, I'm not going to with you the detailed plan for sure. Hah! You wish! Wouldn't want you lot to steal my ideas, and the next thing I know you'lll be running my dream plans before I can even say, "I sooooo can't believe you just did thaaaa'!!!!" *in my best Vicky Pollard accent.*

So what I'll do is just outline what I've got in mind in case I forget, but more importantly in case you steal my ideas, you little shit stirrers (as Marjorie Dawes would call you).

1) Enroll in appropriate course. Probably a basic one for starters for I really don't know shit about this stuff I'm about to embark upon.

2) Save up enough dosh. "Have I got enough shit?"

3) Do feasibility study. "Do people actually want this shit?"

4) Find sources. "Do people actually do/sell/have this shit?"

5) Quit current wanky job. *DUH!* "I hate this shit." If I'm too fed-up, this could very well go up to no.1 of this list.

6) Make sure current boss gets cast in the next production of "SHITTY-SHITTY, Bang-Bang" 'cause the man's got shit and hell yeah, he's so full of it. *Ok, so maybe I'm getting just a little bit overboard here. But a girl can dream. I do hate the fucking wanker!*

This is it for brainstorming for now. I can;t think of anything else. But this thread is certainly an open-ended one. To be continued....

As you can see from the title (indulge me a little here), although both languages have different meanings but indeed they are equally appropriate to the current story of my life.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I Ain't Moving

No transport means no shopping. Yes, am definitely feeling short-changed here. So slept through the WHOLE of Saturday. I can only imagine I will do the same for Sunday (as it is now almost 3 in the morning).

So no superficial entries until I'm more mobile. Life sucks. It sucks the life out of you. I wish I was elsewhere. I wish I could just get the next flight out of this joint.