Friday, September 22, 2006

Another day in paradise

Work's really picking up now. Yesterday did interviews all day and I couldn't believe how tired I was at the end. It's hard work, and to think you're just sitting there asking questions.

Had an argument with a colleague on Tuesday afternoon. He accused me of "causing him stress" because I have not submitted enough information. Unfortunately for him, I submitted the data early last week. So he had a whole week to realise that and tell me, so I could provide him with the extra information. And who told him to start doing things minutes to the deadline. So sorry, but I will take non of that crap and told him so. Tried to be funny with me today - but somehow the humour was lost on me. Too little, too late, I guess.

Another moron came my way today. It's unbelievable the issues that people seem to "suffer" from. Sometimes I wonder how people get to be so high up in the organisation and yet be so STOOOOOPID. It's such a curse being in HR, I'll have you know. At the end of the day, you can only do so much. You can't please everybody and you get all sorts, including tw*ts (unfortunately more often than not).

Will have more interviews to do tomorrow. But managed to talk my way out of the afternoon session. But I know it'll still be a long day. So much to do, yet so little time....and to think I signed up for a 4 year assignment. Wonder what I will write then? Even weekend has become a dread - not because I don't need's...done...

...what am I turning into?

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