Monday, June 19, 2006

Withdrawal symptoms

Just realised that I've been in Brunei for almost 5 months now....and I'm really starting to go crazy. It feels like it's been sooooo damned long since I went shopping - no, The Mall doesn't count, not even for handbags to be precise (buying the Chloe from The Link at The Empire doesn't count either). Oh, what I'd do to feel the smooth texture of a designer 'kantong' in my hands.....*SIGH*

This damned visa is taking far toooooo long to process. I'm getting just a little bit fed-up by the day. I 'm really looking forward to leave - whoever said that Africa's uncool (Brangelina's baby was born in Namibia). At least the vaccinations' done and over with. Plus, I've got my malaria tablets already (which I have yet to consume). Apparently, one of the possible side-effects are nightmares and psychological problem. So don't be surprised if I end up in the psychiatric ward in RIPAS.

Received a package containing 3 months' worth of mail from the Dubai office. Oh the pain! The agony! Amongst the pile of bank statements and salary slips...are invitation cards to shop openings - life is soooooo unfair.

Harvey Nicks!! Why-oh-why did it take you so long???

Alas, I have returned to my home land! Bah!

et tu Dolce?

Useless "Soup of the Day": Just read that Erra (or Eera or whatever) and Yusry are (finally) officially getting a divorce. It's about bloody time!! So much for a grand wedding ceremony worthy of Paris and Helen of Troy. The wedding VCD must be worth a lot of money now - uh, right. Pffffft.

Wish I was in Singapore. I miss Singapore. Not even living in Dubai for the past 2 years can cure my longing. Waaaaaaah!!!!!

Next destination: Singapore - says she.

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