Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Faking it

Went to The Mall yesterday and I couldn't believe what I saw.....my much coveted Spy and Gaucho bags!!!!! It just pisses me off to see these fakes being sold off the shelf in the most undignified manner. Plus, they are being sold for at least 500 bucks, which is a lot for what it really is. That's the thing in Brunei; people just don't appreciate the genuine article. As for the rest of us full-paying customers, it's tough shit to be walking around with the real thing amidst the fakers. I guess, it really is a case of "it takes one to know one" for your genuine arm candy to be appreciated by others.

The Mercier boutique is not much help either. Afterall, who'd want to buy a bag that is sooooooooo last 6 seasons - even if it is the real thing. That's what the Great Singapore Sale is for - last season's goodies at a fraction of the price (note to Mercier people: NOT full price). Who does their shopping anyway? Better get a new buyer for the shop.

"It's a $1.50 shop world out there."

Alas, Singapore is still so far away.

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