Friday, October 13, 2006

Money, Money, Money

I almost had another bad day today - well it seemed to be on it's way there again this morning. I started off working on some data that needed to be submitted latest today. So as I was almost finished, the PC suddenly switched-off. We had a power-cut. I should have:
  • Guessed this was coming when I noticed the air-con had switched off a few minutes earlier (later I discovered from "laukong" that normally when there's power-cut, all PC's had a lag time of 10 mins so people have time to save their work. Apparently not this idiot.).
  • Saved the work I was doing every 2 mins like every other paranoid office Dilbert (trust me when I say I normally do this, but somehow today, by means of sod's law, I didn't).

The power-cut lasted over an hour. By which time not only had I got to know one of my colleagues better, it was time to run off to catch the lunchtime bus. And so my work for the afternoon was all cut out for me. As I suspected, the so-called auto-recovery system did not work. I had to re-do everything that I did in the morning.

After work we had a security briefing in camp. It was the usual dreary story about how they don't foresee the security situation improving anytime soon, possibly until after elections. Not to be outdone, the Q&A session as usual was inundated with "concerns" raised by the (non-working - I realise I'm treading on thin ice here) spouse community. I shall not diverge into the details, but the kind of "issues" that were brought up just puts me to shame.

A notable mention goes to this one lady who should have come with a disclaimer as her views were soooooo not representative of us ladies. Of course, I could be accused of being bias, because she's in my K.I.V. file for being a real cow (uncannily she resembles one too). I'm not normally this mean about people, but she managed to piss me off during one of the rare occasions I was able to do the school runs. I was sitting around with all the other mums waiting for the school door to open. She started introducing herslf to literally ALL the mums except for yours truly. I must have had a tickertape on my forehead to warn her not to come near me. Or perchance I was not white enough for her fat arse? Which would be very strange indeed as she's not exactly white either. Come to think of it, what the hell is she? She reminds me so much of people in Dubai - but that's another story.

Anyway, to tie in to the title du jor with today's events - in recogntion of the drastic change in lifestyle that us poor, little EXPATs have had to endure for the past few months and many, many more months (possibly a year) to come, our allowance has been increased! Hooray! But euphoria aside, let's not also forget that no money in the world can ever be in place of security and safety. So let's also count our blessings as well as pray for the safety of our future.

"I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay

Ain't it sad

And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball..."

~ Money, Money, Money

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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more information
see the video