Monday, September 29, 2008

The shop that must not be named

I don't know about you, but I hate it when shopkeepers/salespersons are on a permanent bystander mode. It's even worse when they just don't seem to have a clue about the products that they are supposedly selling.

We chanced upon this baby's clothes shop in KB on our way to The Early Learning Centre (or something along the line) to buy some toys for the boys. Since The Early Learning Centre was closed, we decided to check out the baby's clothes shop just 2 doors away - conveniently the shop didn't have a name nor could I find any shop sign.

Anyway, of course this being Brunei, instead of being greeted we got the standard cold hard stare from the 2 ladies (in black, i might add) behind the counter (score: 1-0). Oklah, maybe they needed a bit of warming up. So we browsed around the shop - admittedly they do have some nice stuff - and then I asked about the size of some baby socks. I didn't realise that my question had posed a challenge to their mental capacity as it took a few exchanging glances between them and a dramatic pause before I finally got a response. The response was *drum rolls please* "Those are for babies." Really? I was actually thinking of getting some for my grandma. Doh!! Wrong answer!! (Score: 2-0).

Through gritted teeth, I decided to hazard another attempt for Round 2 of Mastermind - this time with the nail-biting, "Do you have this in size 6 months and above?" Tick...tock...tick...tock... *Cue: bales rolling across the shop with sounds of crickets in the background.*

Let me tell you that while this mind-blowing exchange took place, the ladies were sat behind the counter the whole fucking time.

I am all for naming and shaming - however the shop did not have any signs nor name anywhere in sight. Alas, one quick look around the shop and we quickly ushered the boys out the door....of course no shopping bag in hand. Take that, you silly cows.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

eXtreme stupidity

Me & Laukong were watching the Travel & Living channel when we happened upon this programme called eXtreme Gourmet. I must say it's the crappiest show I have watched on the Travel & Living channel. Basically the presenters travel to different parts of China and eat the local "delicacies". It's one thing to try the strange and the weird, but it's another to make such condescending remarks. It's so disrespectful and undignified. I mean where's the cultural learning in that? Plus the whiny lady presenter is so super annoying. Please, I hope you choke on the bull's penis.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Evidence Found!

I have been busy updating my Incriminating Evidence. I forgot what a pain it is uploading jpg files on blogger but the result was worth it. And no, no handbags this time. I won't be taking any credits for the items either (am only the photographer). Check out for yourself ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Selingan: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

I'm dedicating this video to Justy, Nips, Lulu and Mac who came by for sungkai yesterday. I haven't seen them since a week before puasa. How I have missed them. It was lovely to catch up especially with Laukong back as well.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Doesn't she look absolutely fabulous???? Looks like I may have to make that trip to the hairdresser's again - trouble is from the last trip, I may end up looking with a crew-cut instead!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Selingan: Zoe - Sunshine on a Rainy Day

One of my favourite songs from the 90's. Unfortunately it was a one-hit wonder. But good God, did we really used to dance like that???? Oh how we loved lycra! 

Enjoy - if only for the tragic comedy of it. "Makes my soul trip, trip away!!"

Back to reality

I start work tomorrow...nuff said.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

School's cool but snoring's so last season!

Yesterday marked another major milestone for me - it was my boys' first day at their new school, particularly second born as it was his first time at school. I was forced to leave 2 crying boys, and no matter what you never get used to that. It was heart-wrenching to leave them like that.

Laukong also arrived home. In an ideal world, this would mean that I will finally get a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, the return of Laukong also means his notorious snoring has too - sadly with a vengeance as it kept the baby (READ: me) awake!

*Sigh* Here's to many more sleepless nights. Welcome home, Laukong. *Chink*

Monday, September 01, 2008