Friday, August 15, 2008

Kimba the White Liar

Does anyone remember Kimba the White Lion? This was way before Simba couldn't wait to be king. It was my favourite cartoon (apart from Thundarr the Barbarian) when I was about 5 years old. I remember watching it religiously after school. My mum would even record it for me on VCR.

I have completely forgotten about Kimba - until I came across a blog. It goes to show how my completely random my train of thoughts are when only I can link Kimba with a blog. 

Anyway, in the blog the author described the love story behind this particular newly weds. Plenty of oohs and aahs followed until I sussed out that this love story was actually her own. It had me laughing (and secretly guffawing with glee) simply because, yes, I can be that nasty (this might seem a tad inappropriate amidst all this "Blog Against Hate" movement. But hey, this is my blog and I'll bitch if I want to. Ya-dah, ya-dah, ya-dah). 

Anyway, I do recall a chance meeting with the said author whereby she gave me a dirty look. Funny thing is, I don't even know her (well, now I do - still picking out those darn daggers that she sent). However, I do know her husband so that may explain things a bit. Eh, so big oso the insecurity, meh? Get over yourself, you married guy - romantic love story included. I'll give you that.

Note to self: Must try blogging in third person and pretend this is not my blog. May as well put this vicarious living up to the next level. Guffaw!! Guffaw!!

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