Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tacky is the New Cool...and We Love It!!

Went to 2 dear friends' (Justy and Nips) farewell party straight after work. It was a 70's/80's themed party. So of course yours truly, being the self-proclaimed 80's queen that she is, dressed the part (must say it was courtesy of Hua Ho Tutong for stocking up some tacky - bordering to dodgy - 80's-esque selection of clothing).

We had some photo shoot sessions that would put Maria Arshad and Noreen Noor to shame. If only Mama Juwie was around to witness the event and feature us in the "poster meletup" of URTV or Variapop (Variasari on a bad day).

The grand finale of the party was of course the much anticipated KTV moment. Theory managed to stock up some "Melayu Gemilang" karaoke VCD's (Shima, Sudirman, Francissca Peters, DJ Dave - you get the picture). We took turns taking centre stage in true Bintang Mutika-style (yes, shift from camera 1 to 2 while singing and distancing the mic when hitting the high notes - amateurs, please take note). Syed Rahmat (bless his camp soul) would have been proud.

Unfortunately, I came home to a couple of in-laws waiting for for me and (almost) dampening a lovely night of cheesy fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup, sounds like you, theory, justy and nips had so much fun in the 70's/80's themed party. And the KTV as well! How nice!