Thursday, August 07, 2008

Highlights from Bandar

Just came back from spending 5 days in Bandar. Silly me forgot to bring the router, hence no internet, no updates. So here are the highlights instead:

1) I went to the first wedding invitation in, like, a really long time. I had some fun identifying fake designer bags. *Bi-otch*

2) I went to watch a movie at The Mall in, like, a really long time - The Dark Knight. *Loves Christian Bale*

3) I went on a DVD marathon (Penelope; Because I Said So; The Young Guns II; St Trinians; The Goonies) in, like, a really long time. *Loves Penelope (READ: Loves James McAvoy)*

4) I bought a pair of high heels in, like, a really long time. *Loves the long-legged look effect*

5) I now weigh 54 kg since, like, a really long time. One wishlist checked! Now I just need the ride. *Note to self: Must maintain weight without going through child-birth*

6) I met a ghost from my past since, like, a really long time - almost 10 years, more like. She has not changed. *Speechless*

7) I cried a happy cry in, like, a really long time. *Congrats to lil' sis who is not so little anymore on getting a scholarship to do her Masters*

Phew! That's quite some highlight in, like, a really long time!

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